In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

'Dunces': Trump Losing And Admitting Defeat In 2020 Cases As Giuliani Implodes

MSNBC’s Ari Melber provides an update on Trump’s ongoing legal battle to overturn the results of the election and traces how Rudy Giuliani seems to only cause him even more problems in court. Former SDNY prosecutor John Flannery weighs in and slams Giuliani for “distorting” and “misrepresenting” the electoral process.
You dismiss my data as cherry picking, if you are so sure you are not full of shit - post one time after april trump has told the general public not to wear masks. You are disingenuous.

You somehow think african americans want less police, my posts started with "if you want to help the black community, look at what black community leaders are saying, not some worldwide activist organization like blm. Black people on the streets want more police but you don't want to see it - you would rather there be high crime so you can continue to point to disparities as evidence pf racism. You are right - the racist policies of the left are failing to provide safe streets free of drugs and criminals leading the next generation into more of the same.

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Edit: I realize that you are not the one saying that trump killed people, but many are and the data just doesn't support that theory. Look at the graph. Whst did trump do mid june to cause a spike in cases? Repeatedly claiming covid was his fault is insane.
It's a completely dishonest argument you have made right there. The defund the police movement is not "get rid of police", it's about directing funds earmarked for public safety and using them appropriately. The police themselves are telling us we are asking too much from them. They aren't trained to handle people suffering from mental illness or drug addiction or family disputes. 95% of the time, it's not appropriate situation for an armed officer to even be there.

Dallas police chief says ‘we’re asking cops to do too much in this country’

DALLAS — The police chief here said Monday he feels that law enforcement officers across the country are being asked to take on too much, comments that came as his department was still investigating the mass shooting of Dallas police officers last week and protesters in other cities continued demonstrations against how officers use force.

David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said he believes officers in his city and nationwide are under too much strain.
“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country,” Brown said at a briefing Monday. “We are. Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve. Not enough mental health funding, let the cops handle it. … Here in Dallas we got a loose dog problem; let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, let’s give it to the cops. … That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”

I'm listening. Are you? He's saying right here that we need to better use our highly trained officers by reducing the amount of other tasks they are asked to do. Your stupid post answered the question: do people have a favorable view of police? That's not an issue. What is an issue is we ask police officers who are trained to enforce the law using up to deadly force to deal with a mentally ill person when that person needs somebody who is trained to deal with mental illness. It doesn't matter how cozy you feel when you see a police car drive down the street. What matters is that we use those officers correctly and in the right situations.

That's what "Defund the Police" means. The very words seem to trigger all the wrong emotions in fragile, unthinking people like you. We need to put a different spin on it by changing the title. The intent, however is reasonable and thoughtful. It's time that we ask our police to do less and direct resources into efforts that enhance public safety rather than reduce it, as is the case when a hired gun is put in charge of dealing with somebody who is suffering from a drug overdose. Too often the gun is used when giving the subject time and distance would be the better alternative.
I think Trump will be banned from Twitter after he his out.
Olbermann vs. Trump #27 - Ban Trump From Twitter. For Life. Stop The Coup D'Tweet.

Daily, Trump tweets threats about, and calls for, the violent overthrow of the government of the United States. Any other tweeter would have not merely been banned for life from the site - they would have been visited by the FBI for having violated 18 US 2385 “Advocating Overthrow of Government." The Prison Term is 20 years.

It doesn't matter if he has no chance of accomplishing his goal. The damage he does and the authenticity and permission he gives for violence lasting long after he is out of office is incalculable. His twitter feed must be stopped.

Trump's other routes for a coup have been choked off. His lawyers have been laughed out of every court from Pennsylvania to Nevada. He won't pay for a Wisconsin recount. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reiterated that every person in uniform is loyal not to a person but to the Constitution. Even Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, and RNC Chairwoman McDaniel have tweeted warnings about the Georgia Senate runoff that START with the idea that Kamala Harris - not Mike Pence - would be the tie-breaking vote in a 50-50 senate.

There will be no coup by recount. There will be no coup by lawyers. There will be no coup by the military. All that is Twitter.

Ban him from it. Now.
It's a completely dishonest argument you have made right there. The defund the police movement is not "get rid of police", it's about directing funds earmarked for public safety and using them appropriately. The police themselves are telling us we are asking too much from them. They aren't trained to handle people suffering from mental illness or drug addiction or family disputes. 95% of the time, it's not appropriate situation for an armed officer to even be there.

Dallas police chief says ‘we’re asking cops to do too much in this country’

DALLAS — The police chief here said Monday he feels that law enforcement officers across the country are being asked to take on too much, comments that came as his department was still investigating the mass shooting of Dallas police officers last week and protesters in other cities continued demonstrations against how officers use force.

David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said he believes officers in his city and nationwide are under too much strain.
“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country,” Brown said at a briefing Monday. “We are. Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve. Not enough mental health funding, let the cops handle it. … Here in Dallas we got a loose dog problem; let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, let’s give it to the cops. … That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”

I'm listening. Are you? He's saying right here that we need to better use our highly trained officers by reducing the amount of other tasks they are asked to do. Your stupid post answered the question: do people have a favorable view of police? That's not an issue. What is an issue is we ask police officers who are trained to enforce the law using up to deadly force to deal with a mentally ill person when that person needs somebody who is trained to deal with mental illness. It doesn't matter how cozy you feel when you see a police car drive down the street. What matters is that we use those officers correctly and in the right situations.

That's what "Defund the Police" means. The very words seem to trigger all the wrong emotions in fragile, unthinking people like you. We need to put a different spin on it by changing the title. The intent, however is reasonable and thoughtful. It's time that we ask our police to do less and direct resources into efforts that enhance public safety rather than reduce it, as is the case when a hired gun is put in charge of dealing with somebody who is suffering from a drug overdose. Too often the gun is used when giving the subject time and distance would be the better alternative.
100% this

Some people need a damn "psychologist" to knock on their door instead of a guy with his hand already on his gun. But the prevalence of guns is always going to be on a cops mind.

Cops need to walk beats again. Get in touch with the neighborhoods they work in. Do they do this anywhere?
100% this

Some people need a damn "psychologist" to knock on their door instead of a guy with his hand already on his gun. But the prevalence of guns is always going to be on a cops mind.

Cops need to walk beats again. Get in touch with the neighborhoods they work in. Do they do this anywhere?

"Officer Friendly" has become "Officer Fearful", isolated in his car with all his military shit.
'Dunces': Trump Losing And Admitting Defeat In 2020 Cases As Giuliani Implodes

MSNBC’s Ari Melber provides an update on Trump’s ongoing legal battle to overturn the results of the election and traces how Rudy Giuliani seems to only cause him even more problems in court. Former SDNY prosecutor John Flannery weighs in and slams Giuliani for “distorting” and “misrepresenting” the electoral process.

Flannery's bowtie seems upside-down to me :???:
Flannery's bowtie seems upside-down to me :???:
He's an old man, but remarkably well preserved, maybe he was flying the flag in distress. I don't care for those who wear the flag, though he did have good taste. The Trumpers are over the top with flag wearing and waving, too bad they weren't patriots to, but it's no different with the Bible either, they tossed Jesus and Uncle Sam in the ditch for Cheeto Jesus and his message of... What was that message again? What was their platform anyway? The list goes on, that happens when you're dealing with bullshit that's risen up to arse level.
'Dunces': Trump Losing And Admitting Defeat In 2020 Cases As Giuliani Implodes

MSNBC’s Ari Melber provides an update on Trump’s ongoing legal battle to overturn the results of the election and traces how Rudy Giuliani seems to only cause him even more problems in court. Former SDNY prosecutor John Flannery weighs in and slams Giuliani for “distorting” and “misrepresenting” the electoral process.
I wondered that myself

Our flag should be afforded more respect than that shown by those who bastardize it
You can use it discretely in good taste like a lapel pin or something like that, but to make beach towels, shorts and shirts is not only bad taste, but abusive. So are people waving the flag who have no problem with bounties on the heads of US troops, or who want to tear down democracy and tear up the US constitution. The flag belongs in the hands of patriots, those who defend and protect the constitution and the founding ethos of the country, not in the hands of those who support it's destruction, let them carry the stars and bars.
Cops need to walk beats again. Get in touch with the neighborhoods they work in. Do they do this anywhere?

Not since policing went from "protect and serve", to the war on drugs/gangs/whatever will get the most votes for politicians. You don't get in touch with the enemy, you kill them.

Instead of having to have a catchy name like "defund the police" to blow the dog whistle for both sides, the discussion should be about what role we expect police to play in society and how to structure Law Enforcement to serve that goal, as well as what additional roles and agencies need to be created to take over roles LEOs would be vacating.

That would require cooperation between parties for the overall good of the nation. Think you and your fellow citizens are up for it?
Not since policing went from "protect and serve", to the war on drugs/gangs/whatever will get the most votes for politicians. You don't get in touch with the enemy, you kill them.

Instead of having to have a catchy name like "defund the police" to blow the dog whistle for both sides, the discussion should be about what role we expect police to play in society and how to structure Law Enforcement to serve that goal, as well as what additional roles and agencies need to be created to take over roles LEOs would be vacating.

That would require cooperation between parties for the overall good of the nation. Think you and your fellow citizens are up for it?
It depends, if the democrats win control of the senate, then ready or not the bullshit ends, more powerful investigations, new laws can be made and money spent. In short, America can change and adapt, something it has not been doing for over a decade or two and the stress and strain are showing. Republicans went full fascist in their lust for power, driven by the lunatics in the party base and led by Trump, before Trump they impleaded social and political progress to maintain a social statues quo based on race that was breaking down spontaneously anyway.

Traditionally the republicans rode the elephant of their base fueled by culture wars and social division, they fucked their voters and served the rich. Donald came along after the party drove out the RINO's and filled with racists as a reaction to Obama, he drove a process of polarization that was ongoing. Donald blew the traditional dog whistles into a megaphone and many racists and bigots thought they could act vicariously through him to get their perceived enemies. The enemies were black and brown people, the others, they were also the white "elites" who supported them. All of this was driven by a vast rightwing media propaganda machine and "think tanks" funded by the right wing fanatical rich for their own nefarious purposes, that provided a divisive, spun and false narrative to manipulate the audience.
It's a completely dishonest argument you have made right there. The defund the police movement is not "get rid of police", it's about directing funds earmarked for public safety and using them appropriately. The police themselves are telling us we are asking too much from them. They aren't trained to handle people suffering from mental illness or drug addiction or family disputes. 95% of the time, it's not appropriate situation for an armed officer to even be there.

Dallas police chief says ‘we’re asking cops to do too much in this country’

DALLAS — The police chief here said Monday he feels that law enforcement officers across the country are being asked to take on too much, comments that came as his department was still investigating the mass shooting of Dallas police officers last week and protesters in other cities continued demonstrations against how officers use force.

David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said he believes officers in his city and nationwide are under too much strain.
“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country,” Brown said at a briefing Monday. “We are. Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve. Not enough mental health funding, let the cops handle it. … Here in Dallas we got a loose dog problem; let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, let’s give it to the cops. … That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”

I'm listening. Are you? He's saying right here that we need to better use our highly trained officers by reducing the amount of other tasks they are asked to do. Your stupid post answered the question: do people have a favorable view of police? That's not an issue. What is an issue is we ask police officers who are trained to enforce the law using up to deadly force to deal with a mentally ill person when that person needs somebody who is trained to deal with mental illness. It doesn't matter how cozy you feel when you see a police car drive down the street. What matters is that we use those officers correctly and in the right situations.

That's what "Defund the Police" means. The very words seem to trigger all the wrong emotions in fragile, unthinking people like you. We need to put a different spin on it by changing the title. The intent, however is reasonable and thoughtful. It's time that we ask our police to do less and direct resources into efforts that enhance public safety rather than reduce it, as is the case when a hired gun is put in charge of dealing with somebody who is suffering from a drug overdose. Too often the gun is used when giving the subject time and distance would be the better alternative.

the real problem which made LEOs the catch all..saves money right? they only have one place to put all- jail.


experiment fvcking failed.
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Not since policing went from "protect and serve", to the war on drugs/gangs/whatever will get the most votes for politicians. You don't get in touch with the enemy, you kill them.

Instead of having to have a catchy name like "defund the police" to blow the dog whistle for both sides, the discussion should be about what role we expect police to play in society and how to structure Law Enforcement to serve that goal, as well as what additional roles and agencies need to be created to take over roles LEOs would be vacating.

That would require cooperation between parties for the overall good of the nation. Think you and your fellow citizens are up for it?
That is a conversation I would really like to see/be a part of.