in the dead of the night

Creeps like uncool always think they deserve it but nobody else does. It's some sort of defect inherent in low income right wing nuts. Maybe it's a genetic mutation or maybe they were smacked too hard as a kid.

It's part of the rightie mean spirit..have a piece of the pie..but don't take any of mine..if it doesn't affect me..even better.

They look out for number one only and never their neighbor.

Narrow minded thinking not open to new has always been this way, no need to change, mentality.

Religion plays a part with ability to believe conspiracy theory as truth, even with lack of factual information or evidence to the contrary.

I've tried to come up with reasons's not just lack of education or low income.
Fuck me if it isn't. I know more than a few low income, mouth breathing conservatives that happily accept all of the social benefits they can get their mitts on....but bitch incessantly about "liberal welfare mooches".

It's crazy how they don't see themselves in the same light..they 'deserve'; never the other guy though.

Worse of all, they don't realize how they take from us..they vote right while enjoying left programs which skew numbers.

Righties like @Flaming Pie are dead weight to the left because they're not counted.

Putin has been waiting since 2013 on how to leverage the video..then an opportunity..he's running for president..a little election manipulation..and you have yourself a puppet to American president puppet who will do as you wish in order that his image remain untarnished.

Trumps #1 is his image..his brand.
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and of course these companies will all keep the prices of their product the same....right?o_O
The price of EVERYTHING will just go up....thanks Trump!:spew:
Yall are just butt hurt about the election still. I personally like not being in world War 3 with russia. Hildabeast would have got us there...
And wait, before trump can take office Obama has to do the best he can to burn every relationship with other countries. DNC hack by russia. LOL
Hillary was up in the polls until all the Republicans got off work and voted bahaha
You clowns are rioting in the streets cause none of you work. If you did, you wouldn't find time for such silly acts