in the Netherlands for a few days, how to get seeds back


Well-Known Member
I'm going to Maastricht for a few days (I'm from the states)

flying from Spain to NL, back to Spain with ryanair (no checked luggage because it costs 30 damn euro a bag)

I have a few coffee shops to visit when I get there, and would love to buy 5 feminized seeds.

but I have no idea how to get them back home.

should I ship them to my address back in the states?

should I cross over to belgium and ship them back to myself there?

I really don't have an alternate address to ship them to besides myself...

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks guys and gals!



Well-Known Member
Why ship them? Why not just take them with you? Put them in a small baggy then tape it to the inside of your thigh(up high). Your not going to be strip searched and dogs cant smell them, so as long as they dont germinate in your crouch i would say thats the way to go


Active Member
Yeah i agree I'm from the UK and managed to bring a Joint (or so...) back on my person so no worries with seeds


Active Member
Some of the shops also sell fake cigarettes that you can stash seeds in. A friend went to Amsterdam and brought us back seeds in one of them that he bought from the shop. Imagine those metal cigarette chillums except with real paper on the outside and they actually look legit. He just bought a pack of smokes ad put it in there. Worked great.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread...subscribed.

I was talking to somebody recently that used to sew seeds into the seams of her clothes back in the 1990s during business trips. From the way she described it, it sounded like she got hundreds in there between the pants and a sweater each trip! She was even able to seperate the strains. A bit crazy, but it worked then according to her.

The fake cigarette sounds neat. I'll have to look for those...

I was going to try mixing it with some food stuffs. The plan was to hit a grocery store, find something that would have tons of seasame seeds or crumbs and put the small baggies in there flat. Under the xray it should just blend in...



Well-Known Member
Interesting thread...subscribed.

I was talking to somebody recently that used to sew seeds into the seams of her clothes back in the 1990s during business trips. From the way she described it, it sounded like she got hundreds in there between the pants and a sweater each trip! She was even able to seperate the strains. A bit crazy, but it worked then according to her.

The fake cigarette sounds neat. I'll have to look for those...

I was going to try mixing it with some food stuffs. The plan was to hit a grocery store, find something that would have tons of seasame seeds or crumbs and put the small baggies in there flat. Under the xray it should just blend in...

A lot of countries don't allow you to carry food at least fruit across borders due to possible infestation of non native bugs, carrying it on you is the best way...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I posted this in another thread.... simply cut a tiny hole on the inside hem of a pair of jeans. Slip the seeds in through the hole and close with a couple of stitches.

When you get home simply cut the stitches and remove the seeds. You may have to cut a bigger hole to get them out.... so don't use your favorite jeans ;)


Well-Known Member
A lot of countries don't allow you to carry food at least fruit across borders due to possible infestation of non native bugs, carrying it on you is the best way...
Actually, I fly overseas almost every month and bring food back all the time. Europe, Caribbean, Asia, South America, etc.

Produce, unpastuerized cheeses and unprocessed meats & seafood are the major no-no. And, I just came back from four nights in Lisbon...and bought back salami with no problem.

I've never had problems with food...eight solid years of travel monthly. Know the rules and don't bring anything back remotely cigars if you don't want additional scrutiny. Rum being the exception if it not in a clear duty free bag or very obvious.

Declare some booze under the allowed limit and a gift or two...dress business backpacks...carry a briefcase...have a decent haircut and prompt responses to expected questions...and you'll usually get waved through very quickly with a smile and a good day.


Well-Known Member
I posted this in another thread.... simply cut a tiny hole on the inside hem of a pair of jeans. Slip the seeds in through the hole and close with a couple of stitches.

When you get home simply cut the stitches and remove the seeds. You may have to cut a bigger hole to get them out.... so don't use your favorite jeans ;)
I remember this thread!! I think it is what sparked the discussion! Was it in the thread about old style strains? Anyway, we live in an ex-hippie mecca and this was at party conversation here...many friends are RIU members...that is how I found out about it. The woman said she owned a small chain of headshops back East and went to Europe twice a year and Thailand at least once a year to buy industry show in Europe I think and to buy silver jewelry and glass in Thailand.

Credit to you...but this woman said she brought back huge amounts in the same fashion. Maybe she stole your idea from here...either way it wasn't mine, but it is brillant!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Credit to you...but this woman said she brought back huge amounts in the same fashion. Maybe she stole your idea from here...either way it wasn't mine, but it is brillant!!

LOL... well she didn't steal the idea from me.... I only posted it a couple of weeks ago. Plus... it's not surprising to think another woman would think the same idea up.... we are a clever, crafty gender ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL... well she didn't steal the idea from me.... I only posted it a couple of weeks ago. Plus... it's not surprising to think another woman would think the same idea up.... we are a clever, crafty gender ;)
Trust me...I know. But, I am getting married next weekend! It took me 20+ years to find a great woman who was clever & crafty, but not evil! :wall:

I just always seemed to find trouble before her...often fun trouble, but evil none the less...hehehee


Well-Known Member
alright, sounds pretty good so far (I was in Sweden, didn't have connection, sorry for late response)

so we are POSITIVE dogs and x-rays can't pick up on seeds right?

I might try to sneak them back to Spain, then send them back to USA

I'm just too nervous to try to go through customs with them in America


thanks again,



Well-Known Member
alright, sounds pretty good so far (I was in Sweden, didn't have connection, sorry for late response)

so we are POSITIVE dogs and x-rays can't pick up on seeds right?

I might try to sneak them back to Spain, then send them back to USA

I'm just too nervous to try to go through customs with them in America


thanks again,

They could see seeds via x-ray and and dogs could technically smell them...

Camo is your best something else that could loo like stuff with seasame seeds, bag of tiny sewing beads, etc.

Hide them in something very well and ship from Spain is a good idea too...


Well-Known Member
If I were you I'd take atleast 10, might as well get them while you can.. As for how,
I would just sew them inside clothing. Just wear jeans and sew them into the seam under where your belt goes, it would work like a charm. Don't worry too much, the security has much more to be concerned about then 10 ungerminated plant seeds on their planes. =)


Well-Known Member
And actually WEAR these jeans, don't throw them in your suitcase where they actually do x ray check your stuff.

Happy Stranger

Active Member
Trailmix is popular :)

Also, it's really not hard at all to bring in cuban cigars. US Customs has been, from my experience, pretty lax.

HOWEVER, also speaking from experience, if you have anything illegal whatsoever in the Netherlands (or Spain for that matter), steer clear of trains and rail transportation. You will get caught, and while the punishment is typically not severe, you'll have to undergo a search and all that fun stuff.


Well-Known Member
Trailmix is popular :)

Also, it's really not hard at all to bring in cuban cigars. US Customs has been, from my experience, pretty lax.

HOWEVER, also speaking from experience, if you have anything illegal whatsoever in the Netherlands (or Spain for that matter), steer clear of trains and rail transportation. You will get caught, and while the punishment is typically not severe, you'll have to undergo a search and all that fun stuff.
Cigars are easy from Europe in my experience, especially with the bands off. They seem to ask more questions and examine tobacco from the Caribbean or Mexico. That said, I'll be in So. America next week and am out of cigars!!

My only concern sewing seeds in my waist band would be germination if not sealed up tight! I'm not a big guy, but have sat on the tarmac without AC for hours and sweated like a pig.

And, yes...Spain can be tough via rail, but they seem to target students in my experience. After 30th birthday :-( and in business casual dress, I never even seem to get a second look. While at college in Valladolid, I got the second and third degree constantly...also, I wouldn't try it if you are of Arabic decent...they love to target Morrocans, Algerians, etc. from No. Africa.


Happy Stranger

Active Member
Yeah, they target students for sure. I got hit by an undercover guy in a Cleveland Indians shirt getting off the train.

Try putting your seeds in a plastic button bag (the kind that holds like one nug), and then putting that in your wasteband. Or even double bag it, if you're worried.