In the twenty years of GM crops, have any ill effects been observed


Well-Known Member
ohh, i see, only what you believe could be correct. i'm just a dumbass, right.hahaha! look in a mirror lately? it is quite clear it doesn't work, if it did we wouldn't be hear talkin bout it. it still amazes me how fucking stupid and arrogant "you smart" people are!

This is reality I speak of. I never say would, should, or could. Those are theory. I don't take sides...And I care what you think with the baby mind.

It is quite clear to me it is what it is.


New Member
Come on dumbass. I didn't say it was the way it is suppose to work. It is the way it works. PERIOD>

And a lot of dumbassery as been tried, the -isms, and your smarmy school yard phrases are simply typical.
you call yourself a che-'ist so I would guess you are proof of the dumbassery...


New Member

1 in 4 Ausfailians rape kangaroo-babies?

If you have a journal article showing Monsantos crops are harmful, do share and I will also say "fuck Monsanto".
If "one in four" was a slogan in my country I would truly be ashamed. One in four, and Ireland has only like 4/5milion people...


Well-Known Member
What would that be since your an self confessed expert on jackshit... You can't argue with halfcastd stupid...
That's a funny way of spelling

ginjawarrior I looked at that reference And quickly realised that not only was I fooled but I shamed myself by uncritically parroting it here
it's alright tho as with the butthurt your showing I know deep down the sentiment is there. Maybe one day when your a "big boy" you might be able to say it without the added "inflection"


New Member
That's a funny way of spelling

it's alright tho as with the butthurt your showing I know deep down the sentiment is there. Maybe one day when your a "big boy" you might be able to say it without the added "inflection"
I never touted the paper as the second coming or can you show me where I lent support to everything state therein? People can make they're own conclusions either way. I did find it amusing after you'd criticised someone for linking through to blogs, you then link through to a blog to debunk some of the claims stated in the paper I linked...

I merely implied if bio-tech companies were subject to FOIA laws, especially those relating to the long/short health effects of their products on humans and animals, we'd all have a much better understanding and therefore choice in what we eat. The fact they will not guarantee the safety of GM crops, their product, is an immediate cause for concern, even greater if you consider, the history of some of the corporate players.