In the US, taxes do not fund federal spending.

Libraries of books have been written about this. I was finding it refreshing to talk about an idea rather than conduct yet another session of drivel responding to @tampee , who is blessedly on ignore an no longer fouling my screen at the politics forum. It's also a question I asked because I am interested in what somebody who has thought on this would say.

so, thanks for that.
It is also a misconception that seems accepted by partisans on both sides that taxes fund spending, directly or indirectly. So I appreciate the opportunity to articulate it in the form of productive dialogue, even if you actually know more than I do on the subject.
It is also a misconception that seems accepted by partisans on both sides that taxes fund spending, directly or indirectly. So I appreciate the opportunity to articulate it in the form of productive dialogue, even if you actually know more than I do on the subject.
I don't. Wasn't playing games.

My only economics class filled double requirements so that I could focus on Biochem and Physics. It was the Economic History of the United States. It wasn't a point of interest for me and I only learned enough to get a decent grade. I didn't really learn all that much.

I learned something today, though. Interesting.
I can't wait for the cantankerous, outspoken against necessary public programs, ignorant people to die along with their aborted idea of "pride" and "success".

@tampee there is nothing wrong with public assistance, have some compassion for your fellow human. I wonder if you have any sort of positive effect on the people around you at all. Does anyone love you?

There is nothing wrong with people helping people. Could you describe how forcing a person to fund another persons ideas is "helpful" ?

By the way, I'd like you come do my dishes, can you get right the fuck on that NOW??!!!
There is nothing wrong with people helping people. Could you describe how forcing a person to fund another persons ideas is "helpful" ?

By the way, I'd like you come do my dishes, can you get right the fuck on that NOW??!!!

It is about the betterment of society in general, you can argue until you're blue in the face but honestly children should never go hungry because their parents can't provide for them so I buy into that idea.

People voted to fund these programs. Go vote to defund them or move to another country. CAN YOU GET RIGHT THE FUCK ON THAT NOW??!!!
It is about the betterment of society in general, you can argue until you're blue in the face but honestly children should never go hungry because their parents can't provide for them so I buy into that idea.

People voted to fund these programs. Go vote to defund them or move to another country. CAN YOU GET RIGHT THE FUCK ON THAT NOW??!!!

How do you better society by forcing people to fund your ideas ? Wouldn't it be better to live and let live ?
There is nothing wrong with people helping people. Could you describe how forcing a person to fund another persons ideas is "helpful" ?

The problem isn't taxes, although that's apparently your pet issue, it's how they are spent.

The US spends more tax dollars per person on healthcare than any country in the world. That's a fact. Do we have the best universal healthcare in the world? No, we have sick and dying people who can't pay their bills, and a Repubican congress who is arguing about who should pay those bills, instead of WHY THEY ARE SO HIGH.

Hint: it's the 1% getting richer on the backs of poor sick people.

Now look at the UK, with government-supported tv and films, which is their fastest growing job sector, employing millions of people and generating billions of dollars a year. Is that a better use of money than destabilizing regions of the world and then selling them weapons like the US's military-industrial complex? Grinding up the poor for military service to lube the money machine? They also have universal health care, safety nets for the poor, and famously generous welfare

We need taxes, but we sure as shit don't need more of them. The problem is lobbyists and money corrupting the system, not the system itself, funneling money to the 1%, and fuck everybody else.
How do you better society by forcing people to fund your ideas ? Wouldn't it be better to live and let live ?

Look man, it's fine that you don't like the idea of taxes. I don't either, especially property tax. Do you know what I like about living here? Almost everything else, so I'm willing to pay the price.

If you don't like it lobby for change, where your opinion will be effectual.

There are tons of federal programs that don't actually help anyone and are also way over budget, like the zumwalt class destroyer, or the JSF, or federal agency payrolls.
The problem isn't taxes, although that's apparently your pet issue, it's how they are spent.

The US spends more tax dollars per person on healthcare than any country in the world. That's a fact. Do we have the best universal healthcare in the world? No, we have sick and dying people who can't pay their bills, and a Repubican congress who is arguing about who should pay those bills, instead of WHY THEY ARE SO HIGH.

Hint: it's the 1% getting richer on the backs of poor sick people.

Now look at the UK, with government-supported tv and films, which is their fastest growing job sector, employing millions of people and generating billions of dollars a year. Is that a better use of money than destabilizing regions of the world and then selling them weapons like the US's military-industrial complex? Grinding up the poor for military service to lube the money machine? They also have universal health care, safety nets for the poor, and famously generous welfare

We need taxes, but we sure as shit don't need more of them. The problem is lobbyists and money corrupting the system, not the system itself, funneling money to the 1%, and fuck everybody else.

You seem confused.

Isn't the act of forcing another person to fund your ideas against their will, an act of extortion ?
Look man, it's fine that you don't like the idea of taxes. I don't either, especially property tax. Do you know what I like about living here? Almost everything else, so I'm willing to pay the price.

If you don't like it lobby for change, where your opinion will be effectual.

There are tons of federal programs that don't actually help anyone and are also way over budget, like the zumwalt class destroyer, or the JSF, or federal agency payrolls.

Your response is lackluster and has a high content of platitude. Might I suggest, that you cease believing in two opposing things at once ?
Or I just don't enjoy conversing with incorrigible dickheads. Better get on them dishes, now.

Nice use of incorrigible.

I'm going to get with my friends and vote that you have to do everyone's dishes, cuz you know a majority can make a thing wrong magically right.... Can you honestly deny that is your belief ?

I could prove that it is your belief, but since you used the word incorrigible, I'm going easy on you.
Nice use of incorrigible.

I'm going to get with my friends and vote that you have to do everyone's dishes, cuz you know a majority can make a thing wrong magically right.... Can you honestly deny that is your belief ?

I could prove that it is your belief, but since you used the word incorrigible, I'm going easy on you.

You can pander to your own fantasy all you want. The dishes aren't going to do themselves, better get at it.
You seem confused.

Isn't the act of forcing another person to fund your ideas against their will, an act of extortion ?

The act of forcing another person to fund somebody else's ideas is called living in a society.

As a matter of fact "funds" themselves and the means to transact in them is paid for by, you guessed it, tax dollars. So enjoy bartering, I guess. And only traveling on roads you built with your own two hands, and never purchasing anything made anywhere by an evil society that taxes it's citizens. AKA everywhere on earth.

As a matter of fact, get off the goddamned internet right now. It's entire infrastructure was funded with federal tax dollars. Those fucking scientists and their fucking research. Waste of money.
You can pander to your own fantasy all you want. The dishes aren't going to do themselves, better get at it.

I accept your resignation from the realm of logic. All hail false dichotomous driven cognitive dissonance ! Hooray!!
(that's some smart talk right there)

Dishes are done now, no thanks to you. So much for democracy eh?
