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BEARDO! I thought you were hanging up the gloves too dude? Lol... probably fucking around, as usual, but it has been awhile since I seen you post, unless I haven't been around? Hmm.
I quit and went to Mexico for a few days. I was getting stressed out...but I'm feeling better now, Thanks. Uncle Buck was stressing me out on this site because everyting the debate would get good he would stop responding and I would be stuck waiting it was stressing me out. The youngsters allso stress me ou on this site-anytime someone talks about how thier mom caught them smoking it's a Red Flag. Also Alex Jones was stressing me out so I had to get away-
Anytime someone posts about their mom catching them smoking, I'd prefer that they're under 18, as I feel pretty bad for anyone 18+ living at home.
I dont understand. Living at Home Past 18 is taboo? I grow at home. with my parents helping me. Legally im 22 Like my Plant would tell you, If you have the SPACE use it.. i had no NEED to fly the coup so if anything Props to whoever can stay at home and whos Homes are big enough for them. shucks for the ppl who cant. IMO, Growing at Home is much Safer than any Apt. op or some outside shed op.
Anytime someone posts about their mom catching them smoking, I'd prefer that they're under 18, as I feel pretty bad for anyone 18+ living at home.
I think you either stay or go, don't write a fuckin leave thread, that's more pathetic than the kids here.

acting like you're mature when you're the one writing a thread to bitch about leaving.

if you truly hated this place and wanted to leave, you would have done so without writing a pity thread....

I agree with you that more kids are on here now, but there have always been dumbasses here, and always have had smart people aswell.

just gotta be smart about it look for the threads that the cool peeps are chillin at.

because RIU will never die, its named ROLLITUP for christ sakes, that beats any other marijuana forum name BY FAR.

so either stay or go, fuck this middle ground bullshit.

edit: wow FDD we got some timing, thanks for reminding him.
I shall not argue against it from the supposed impossibility of infinite succession, barely and absolutely considered in itself; for a reason which shall be mentioned hereafter: but if we consider such an infinite progression, as one entire endless series of beings can have no cause from without, of its existence; because in it are supposed to be included all things that are or ever were in the universe: and ’tis plain it can have no reason within itself, of its existence; because no one being in this infinite succession is supposed to be self-existent or necessary (which is the only ground or reason of existence of any thing, that can be imagined within the thing itself, as with presently more fully appear), but every one dependent on the foregoing: and where no part is necessary; ’tis manifest the whole cannot be necessary; absolute necessity of existence, not being an outward, relative, and accidental determination; but an inward and essential property of the nature of the thing which so exists
I shall not argue against it from the supposed impossibility of infinite succession, barely and absolutely considered in itself; for a reason which shall be mentioned hereafter: but if we consider such an infinite progression, as one entire endless series of beings can have no cause from without, of its existence; because in it are supposed to be included all things that are or ever were in the universe: and ’tis plain it can have no reason within itself, of its existence; because no one being in this infinite succession is supposed to be self-existent or necessary (which is the only ground or reason of existence of any thing, that can be imagined within the thing itself, as with presently more fully appear), but every one dependent on the foregoing: and where no part is necessary; ’tis manifest the whole cannot be necessary; absolute necessity of existence, not being an outward, relative, and accidental determination; but an inward and essential property of the nature of the thing which so exists

You smoke WAY to much pot. This enlightened me a little...and brightened my day. I appreciate it you fucking nut job. :D
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