Income tax


Well-Known Member
How do you guys handle caregiving income on your taxes? I do want to claim my income and tax but I don't want to create receipts that list patient/dispensary names. I wonder if I'll be safe doing so.


Ok well that is good because standard forms are audited far less than itemized, if you don't want to gather sociasl, bls and fed id #s or you just want to protect your clients privacy you may want to cosider counting your income as capital gains or gambling winnings. The downside is that your tax liability my rise by counting it that way, but thats the trade off you would be taking. However if you recieve payments in cash and didnt deposit it directly into your bank account there is virtually no way the IRS can track how much you made even if you are audited. The only other thing to consider is if your clients are listing you on there taxes as medical/business expenses then you may want to make sure your numbers match up. This is not advice its just a hypothetical solution to the scenario given.