Inconspicuous Enough?


Active Member
Oh man, your room is nuts! That's unreal, there's almost no way that would be caught. Excellent work, that's the finest stealth grow room I've ever seen, hands down.

And hey, very nice on the asparagus. That's hard to grow. Looks great, keep up all the good work!


Well-Known Member
Really sweet job of hiding your grow.
Thanks for sharing.
Whatcha growin' besides veggies ?
It'll be watching your secret grow.
otwa, nice looking setup.... what i can see of it! pictures are kinda small.

ok, so here's an update. the old carbon filter i tried to make from the dish towel and activated carbon didn't want to fit in my HVAC ducting so I sorta did a hybrid of a couple of designs I've seen on here. I made the attachment that goes on the end of my duct work from the reducer and fan and dish cloth and activated carbon.

I taped the first dish cloth on leaving a bit of slack into which I could pour the carbon then taped another cloth over the top. Pretty simple.

And of course, an update on the babies.... I hope at least one of them is female!!

I also went yesterday and purchased all the material for my flowering room ($700!) so I'll post pics when that's all set up.

