Increase Humidity


Well-Known Member
I need more humidity in my grow room. Ive placed open containers of water around the place so it will evaporate into the air, will this help or is it just a daft idea? Spent to much on my grow room recently and with christmas coming i need any spare money otherwise id have bought a humidifier already. Any useful ideas would be great


Well-Known Member
Not a daft idea, but! for it to work better, get something like cookie sheets or baking pans (if you've got the room), put in some gravel or pebbles, then put the water in that. What you're doing is seriously increasing surface area which will increase evaporation rates which will in turn increase your humidity. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks thats useful didnt realise that. The containers im using are more deep than they are wide, i should have room to put a couple of baking trays in there. Humidity is currently 30% it was mostly 40% last week


Well-Known Member
30% is more than what I usually get with my outdoor growing (mountains of Cali). You'll have to check the trays a lot more often, but that's because they're evaporating the water more quickly.


Well-Known Member
I read higher humidity increase chances of female, ive got abit of an history of creating fine strong health male plants and its doing my head in. Going to buy femalized seeds next time just using up the last of my belladona first.
No worries about refilling often i check my plants about 3 - 4 times a day im obsessed