Inda-gro Induction...

Inda-Gro 200

I mother and veg with this in a 4x4

Northern Lights, Sour D and HeadbandS0661997-20150119.JPG

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In one bedroom I have two 4x4 tents, Inda-Gro 200, Inda-Gro 420 w/ pontoon, 2' jumpstart and heat mat for clones, 2 Blauberg 6" fans and a portable 5 gallon swam cooler for humidity (super dry here).

All that on a single 15 amp breaker, no problems.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you turn off the light, how long should you wait before turning it back on? Thanks!!!
you don't have to wait at all. Its not an hid. Works.just like led and t5 in that aspect.

Talking about t5, have you seen Horti is about to jump on the train? idea how they are allowed to make it here, specialty bulb? idk like how they dis the rest of the market, forgot about the

better wear you sunglasses !!!! 8-)..............seriously though, putting out some significant uv.
Talking about t5, have you seen Horti is about to jump on the train? idea how they are allowed to make it here, specialty bulb? idk like how they dis the rest of the market, forgot about the

better wear you sunglasses !!!! 8-)..............seriously though, putting out some significant uv.

they'll probably cost more than flora suns. We all know that's the best ones. I wont ever use t5 again if I don't have too. They pull too much power for the area they cover. And produce too much heat. Especially the bad boys.
CASHINBIS Inda-Gro article:

Not sure when it was written as it has no date.

So the DE crowd (commercial growers mostly) has influenced this little development. The temps from the DE prohibit getting them any closer than about 36" to the canopy and I've seen them as much as 48" from the canopy. Since the benefits of broad spectrum are well known in terms of increases in quality as well as the benefits of adding 660nm at lights on for chlorophyll A absorption and 730nm at lights out for Pfr there was this impasse on how to effectively take the energy from DE and not throw it all over the backs of the 420's. Most DE reflectors, by design are going to cast a wide throw as they were meant for greenhouse applications. Narrowing that throw and adding a reflector below the DE to redirect that energy increases the PPFD levels under the 420's by ~20% average on the 4 x 4 area of coverage and blends the overall coverage in a 4 x 12 quite homogeneously. Now what to call that little reflector add on that for $15.00 can be added to any DE reflector with a design area coverage of 5 x 5?
How is this working out I am interested as I just ordered a 600 gavita to run between the two indagros I think the combo should work great ,after running just the indagros for the first time I am impressed.We are going to be changing out all of the lights mh and hps traditional ,and are testing different lighting and combos ,and wanted to run 10 indagro with 600 gravitas in between most likely eight gravitas total.
This is a Dream Queen, Lemon Kush, Obama Kush, Ghost of Leroy, Life Saver, Gorilla Glue, Platinum GSC, OG, Cornbread OG run all under the 420Pontoons with roughly 1/2 coming up in a spray to waste hydro run using Flying Skull nutrients and the other 1/2 is DWC fed with aquaponics. This is after 3 weeks veg and now day two at the 12/12 flip.

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This is a Dream Queen, Lemon Kush, Obama Kush, Ghost of Leroy, Life Saver, Gorilla Glue, Platinum GSC, OG, Cornbread OG run all under the 420Pontoons with roughly 1/2 coming up in a spray to waste hydro run using Flying Skull nutrients and the other 1/2 is DWC fed with aquaponics. This is after 3 weeks veg and now day two at the 12/12 flip.

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any cuts of the glue available? Its worth a try lol
Chaz right on that looks good,you are going to kill with that set up.I will be posting some pics and wieghts from my grow have not got it tested yet but that is going to happen next week.I did really good for my fist run with the lights weight matched my1000 watt hps with 3 lights but i think that can improve even more with the next run.The best thing i noticed was super early harvest my 63 to 65 day strains finnished at 53 ,i think i will take them to 56 next time maybe 58 for alittle more weight .Smell and taste are on point so i am happy.I took alot of shit for running these lights but proof is in the pudding should shut up the haters.One last thing i got some gavita 750 flex to run with the indagro for the next run so we will see how that works.
Hiya Hy! Ask and you will receive. I see a road trip in your future!

Hey Cross! Glad to hear you liked the finish and like you noted subsequent runs tend to get better as you dial it in.

Oh I forgot to note that the entire room is running on a 50 amp 240 v circuit and drawing right around 40 amps per leg.

The other project that is worth noting is the new community farm which is strictly traditional gardens and ran entirely on aquaponics. There is an indoor vertical for leafy greens, microgreens, outdoor DWC for what will be primarily hops, and 5 greenhouses that will run as co-ops. Basically if a lighting mfg wanted to showcase their lights and their commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability they could do so in one of the greenhouses. Hit me up if you're interested. Considering the water crisis we' re having here in Cali it's a message that we can all get behind.

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Pretty much a shameless plug but it's for a good cause. The boys at IG are exhibiting at this years Earth Day which is being held at Balboa Park in San Diego on April 29th. Darryl is giving a stage presentation and it all revolves around their Barrio Logan Urban Garden project. They're trying to finish that garden up with a 2500 gal fresh water tank with 300 Tilapia to feed 5 new greenhouses. So the deal to anyone interested in getting 420-Pontoons is you buy one and get the second one at 50% off. It's limited to 2 lights at the shopping cart but you can always plug another order in if you decided you want more. The discount code that would need to be entered at check out is 'earthday'. Pretty much everything IG is making between now and the 29th is going towards that inner city farm they're building and if I do so say myself it's looking pretty darn good!

We will now return you to your regular programming. :-)