Indian Haze Help


Hey! I'm new to this whole growing thing but so far i like it. I've spent hours reading threads on here in order to answer some of the questions Ive had.
But now I'm 3 weeks into flowering in my indoor grow and I'm not sure if its going right.
I have my plant under 12/12 light leaks..I'm using fox farms soil and 2 23 watt cfl's and 1 60 watt cfl. I guess what I wanna know is if my plant looks fine and normal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.



Active Member
looks like it's moving a little slow....but not to worry some stains take longer to flower.... Has it shown any sign of sex ?????


looks like it's moving a little slow....but not to worry some stains take longer to flower.... Has it shown any sign of sex ?????
Is there anything I should be doing? Height is not an issue I have plenty of room to let it grow but will it get any bushier now during flowering?
As far as sex..I thinks it a female..I hope it is lol I haven't seen any pollen sacks and I cant tell if I'm seeing white hairs or new leaves...I'll post a pic.



Active Member
yea it's not showing yet, but i think it'll be a female.... if you have problems with height i would just tie it down Make sure no light is coming in the room when the lights are out , this can slow Flowering!!!


yea it's not showing yet, but i think it'll be a female.... if you have problems with height i would just tie it down Make sure no light is coming in the room when the lights are out , this can slow Flowering!!!
Hey I appreciate the advice...I don't think light is coming in during the 12 hours of darkness but I'll def make sure.

I don't really care how tall the plant gets cuz I have plenty of room, but how can I make it bushier? I read on here that I'm not supposed to top during flowering...any ideas on that? Thanks in advance!


You may want to make sure the whole pot is getting water, noticed the size of the plant would be a lot longer then what I seen with try soil on top...the water needs to goto the WHOLE bucket. Roots would already be on the side of the pot, and growing..


You may want to make sure the whole pot is getting water, noticed the size of the plant would be a lot longer then what I seen with try soil on top...the water needs to goto the WHOLE bucket. Roots would already be on the side of the pot, and growing..
Hey thanks for the tip!! I def will water the whole pot instead of where the stem is...Thank you!


a bro let fan blow on it will thicken up your stem my plants at that height stems are twice your size, lookin good
Right on man I appreciate it!

So the craziest thing happened..When i first started my grow I planted a feminized hash plant after I germinated the seed. I waited about 2 weeks and nothing came up so, I germinated a regular indian haze seed and planted it (The one in the pics) well after 7 weeks of veg and now almost 4 weeks of flowering I woke up and saw a sprout about 2 inches tall growing from the spot I planted the hash plant. So should I pull it or let it grow..I know if i pull it i can risk root rot and if i let it stay it could potentially cause the roots to tangle and slow growth (and I'm pretty sure I don't want that during flowering) So what should i do?


Well-Known Member
You ever finish this grow? I'm growing Indian Haze and would be interested to see some final pics or at least a smoke review.