Indian River County


Active Member
Hey, any South Floridians out there? I'm in Indian River County. Does anyone know where I can get some dank? I've been told to talk to surfers and the waves aren't good today. I've been walking the streets looking but I think everyone here are wealthy vacationers. I'm in Vero Beach. Not looking for a hook-up just to be pointed in the right direction.

[edit] I was walking on the beach today and I found a pack of Black n' Milds I know this place isn't completely dry! I keep smelling swisher sweets but I believe thats just people smoking them.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Yea, I've decided this place is dry its just full of drunks and tourists
It's funny, but I never had a lot of luck scoring weed in FLA.

I thought it would be flowing in a place like that.

But it's like you said, mostly drunks and tourists.


Well-Known Member
It is flowing but you just have to know where to look. Most of the smokers I've come across are the 40+ year old dudes.

You're best bet is to just ask people that look like pot heads. Anytime you're in the gas station and see someone asking for a blunt ask them when they leave the store. I've had hundreds of people ask me if I smoke, or if I want to buy weed when I'm out buying a blunt.