Indian Skunk LST/FIM


Active Member
Ok this is my first shot at an actual journal, im hoping this turns out a little better then my last one haha.
so my setup is this.


105wat cfl (6500k)
hope to veg untill she is about 12" tall and well established. maybe in about 2-3 more weeks??
just a small 12v fan for intake, passive exaust hole and 8"oscelating fan . temps stay around 80-82
lights on 20 and off for 4 hours.
soil is 50%vermeculite 40%sterile potting soil, 5%bonemeal and 5% blood meal.
for now just blackstrap molasses and some wood ash for nutes.

any suggestions on good cheap vegging nutes????


105watt cfl - 3000k
105watt cfl - 3500k
42watt cfl - 2700k

4 inch intake ducted off my single pane windows, which are sealed with shrink wrap and the 4 inch 105 cfm fan pulls cold air out of the window cavity.
4 inch 105 cfm axial fan out with DIY carbon filter. (thank you RIU!!!!)

both spaces are 29''w X 17"d X 36"h

hopefully my AN tiger bloom and Big Bloom will arrive in the mail soon for flower nutes.

OK so what we're skipping is this,
seeds from seedsman top44xskunk and indian skunk.
some sprouted mutated, stuned, some didn't germ at all.
i ended up with 2 nice indian skunks out of the whole batch. i gave one away toa local fellow grower. the remaining one ended up with heat stress and water stress(thats what i get for leaving my wife in charge lol)
so i cloned the bottom branches with poor success! i ended up with ONE soul surviving indian skunk, and she is now very very healthy in her new home.

so we are on DAY 26 From being cut. she rooted well after about 13 days, and has been happily growing since.
she was topped and LST'd 2 days ago.
now showing FIVE main colas.

all comments and replies welcome on my journal. i will update every 3 or 4 days.

good luck to all and happy growing:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
i dunno its been a few days. i tied down some new growth that was starting to stretch, looking good. nodes are alternating now.
also aquired one of her sisters, she was moved to a friends growroom, but now she is back, she was topped late in her life and is now starting to re-direct growth into the branches! :bigjoint:
i wonder why she is SOOO dark green??? and mine is not that dark... :?:

anyway i have to say i'm pleased with this 105 watt CFL, it throws out lots of light, with my shitty homemade reflector its even better, i prefer to leave it 4-6 inches away, the plants honestly seem to like it better, and they dont stretch at all...
im thinking about getting another one

PS great deals on CFL




Active Member
so every day the leaves on my plant are getting lighter and lighter green, i even think i see some slight yellowing, on the lower fan leaves....why is this?!?!! this seem slike N defficiency but i dont know ....i havent ferted yet as i dont think i should have to untill theyre a little bigger....
the other one(on the right in the picture) is happy; very dark green and glossy...but the one on the left(mine)
is light green, and seems to be droopy. im concerned....
should i give her a shot of Miracle Grow??? i have 3 types,....20-20-20 , 10-15-10 and 8-7-6...are any of those good for veg??
i think the 10-15-10 is a little high in P ....
ergggggg :wall:

i cant wait for my new setup lol

anyway thats it for today.:leaf:



Active Member
:leaf:some updates,
one of the plants got some wierd disease, it just got worse and worse so i thru it out LOL
anyway here is the last remaining INDIAN SKUNK lots of LST every day i tie her down more.
im putting her to 12/12 today untill she sexes, then back to veg (fingers crossed shes a girl)

any comments welcome as usual:bigjoint:



Active Member
:leaf:im slowly gathering supplies for my new setup... im just toying with things, adding things here and there.

i've found that drawing cold air off my window inbetween the blinds and the glass, is very good for keeping temps down.
heres my new ideas.
PLUS my DIY carbon filter is working better than expected.:bigjoint:
keep in mind im missing some stuff on there, not finished drawing yet (THANK YOU MS paint)lol
lemme know what you guys think.



Active Member
ok another pic, looking good
switched to 12/12 yesterday.
now under 105watt cfl-3000k and 2x42watt cfl-2700k

yum. growing like a weed and beleive it or not


Active Member
verry nice

thanks :leaf::leaf:

ok heres another couple pics. i switched up my nutes to the blooming nutes.... i use a concentraded bone meal fertilizer (0-12-0) which is organicly made

as far as showing sex...i think imight see some balls. if so i will be pissed.
i'll have to go get a magnifying glass, hopefully i can tell by tomorrow or the next day:wall:stupid males.
either way i sowed my femenized BIG BANG from greenhouse seed co. that will be the next journal .
anyway Tips and Sugg. always welcome




Active Member
shit shit tell me it isn't so!!! are those balls!?!?!?! :wall::wall::wall:

well my BIG BANG fem. sprouted today anyways. but what a piss off, all that training for nothing!

tell me what u think:::leaf:



Well-Known Member
its atratin to look male but still cant tell for sure wait a few more days, also thats why u should always plant double when doin seeds cuz u will always get a male and it is a huge upset when its ur only plant