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The Native Americans saw the earth in a way that our Western minds have long forgotten. They saw the unity between all living things on earth and lived in a way to exist within this balance; What I call the "preservation of the community"
Our Western minds are wired for a "preservation of self". We think mainly about the survival and success of ourself, leading to greed; But many wonderful things have come out of this too including scientific discoveries, technology advancement, world exploration, etc.
Our world ecosystem collapsing at greater and greater rates today and if we do nothing, life as we know it will no longer exist. Therefore I propose a drastic change. Westerners need to change our whole mindset from the "Preservation of Self" to a "Preservation of the Community", but maintaining our desire for advancement and exploration. To do this I suggest something similar to
The Venus Project, living in communities that help everyone involved; Maintaining our desire of exploration, happiness and respect for Mother Earth.
To those of you who got off track and argue the connection, or lack there of, between the physical (earth) and the meta-physical (God) I suggest reading "The Hidden Face of God" & "The Science of God" by Gerald Shroeder. It will help you understand many new advances in science today and how all scientific evidence points to the existence of an underlying unity (God) throughout all particles in the physical world. Super interesting stuff for believers and non-believers alike.
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