Indica or Sativa?


Anybody know the harvesting rules for a hybrid? Is based on the predominant strain or what? I was going to harvest today but I'm not sure now......


Well-Known Member
Anybody know the harvesting rules for a hybrid? Is based on the predominant strain or what? I was going to harvest today but I'm not sure now......
Usually 9-10 weeks in flower, so you need to check it daily.

Buds look great on your plant.

Here are pics of my Blue Dream Hybrid

blue dream-1.jpgblue dream-2.jpg

under 315 watts CFL at 3-4 weeks flower. :hump:


Well-Known Member
telling when to harvest can vary slightly, but most people go by trichs under a scope. Some look at hairs. The more experienced growers tend to see a combination of these factors just by looking at the bud, and have a decent idea of what the particular strain will look like when done.

The methods for harvesting vary, but the concept is all the same. Be careful to handle as little as possible, wear non-powdered gloves, like latex or nitrile. Clip all fan leaves, and as many sugar leaves as you'd like (trimming is a matter of taste). hang upside down, or lay out on screens. Dry, cure. The goal in drying and curing is to leave it wet enough that metabolic processes continue into the dry, and enzymes continue to break down into the cure. However too wet and it'll mold. It's kinda a fine line with taste playing a factor. If in doubt let it dry a little longer. Dry bud is more harsh, and lack of cure can effect flavor and a very small degree of potency, but moldy bud isn't basically ruined. The more you do it the more you will become familiar with it. When considering other peoples "drying and curing rules of thumb" as they pertain to times, keep in mind that humidity, heat, density, and air movement, among other things, effects the speed at which things dry :)