Indica or Sativa?


Active Member
Hello all,

I am brand new to this game! I have aquired 18 Marijuana plant's all of which are fairly small, the smallest being 4" and the tallest being 10"

Been told the seeds came from 2-3 years of collecting them in different bags, some of the leaves appear to have altered jaggers and shape.

I have searched and I haven't found what I am looking for, I apologise if this has allready been covered..

Is there a way of telling what strain the plants may be? I have heard of Indica and Sativa and obviously there are lots of types, I was very curious! :blsmoke:

Many thanks,



Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup

indica is a more stout plant with wide leaf blades
sativa is a taller lankier plant with thin leaf blades
and then there are hybrids


Active Member
Here we go, I'm sorry if this dont work.. lol :joint:

Oh dear forgive my bed clothes, gf idea :hump: haha

There are pics I have taken today and also 1 I took when i first got them, you can see my lil babies and also the "youth" plants. Some of the leaves are a bit deformed because I keep some of them behind a curtain..

What ya all think?

I beleive there is a long way to go but I am really gripped by the growing scene! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
some of those babies are stretched pretty bad.
what are you using for light?

check out the growFAQ if you havent yet, good info there
read up, learn, and grow:joint::peace:


Active Member
Info taken on board, i'm using good old mother natures light. However in England I think it is a bit of a losing battle :shock: I do try to turn them around if they appear to stretched to 1 side but I'll have a read up and find out whats best :peace:


Well-Known Member
anyway of picking up a 150w ecobrite or whatever the equalivant is to CFLS over there and placing them indoors when the sun goes down? minus the stretching they look good.

but dont you guys have like cloudy days like every other day?


Well-Known Member
yes we do! be think for you to do now mate is just bye a 4oo watt hps from a hydro shop and then we can go from there the weather in england is not to good for the weed grower as we do have very bad weather get a light and you will be a happy man as we can all help you here at roll it up ! ( if you have spare room all you new is a light and a fan and thats is)


Active Member
Nice one good idea, I just cleared the cupboard and got a power supply in there! knicked the strip light out my Boa tank but the thing broke :(

So gonna buy another light when I get the chance and deck the insides with foil so I can start to get them growing up instead of sideways :blsmoke:

The sun is doing the job but its taking alot of work to keep rotating em and swapping em round so they get an equalish amount of light.

I'll post pics when I got it all sorted out.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dont use foil it dont work just paint or line the inside with mylar(best)
or white( next best thing do not use foil)


Active Member
ok guys thanks for ya help! I got a 4ft strip bulb in there and a 100w light bulb, they seems to be loving it! only thing is the strip light is to big for the cupboard so I have it going diagonally through the middle of the plants.

In the next few days I'll get some sheet metal made to the exact dimensions of cupboard and paint it glossy white to try to reflect light, I also have a fan blowing toward the top of it to help em breathe.

This is a BODGE so please dont laugh at my handy work haha! as you can see it didn't take me very long to do this :-?

Could you guys tell me if this is ok?

I should get a smaller strip light but at the mo funds are a little short so I had to shift 1 from work.

I noticed a few of the plants had caught white fly, I killed of most of em but they done a bit of damage to the leaves :(

cheers for the info again ppl, i'm trying to put it to good use :blsmoke:

Oh and would smokey room cause them any harm?

Later peepz




Active Member
Got them in a height order because of the bulb now, done alot of reading and I think I have the basics locked down. I'm aware that changing the light at the flowering stage is crucial to get a nice crop,

Would you guys recommend a sodium light? that is hoping they get to that stage.


