Indica Recommendations


Hello I am about to pout another order for some seeds and waned to get your opinion. So far i will be picking up C99 from female seeds, jillybean fom MZJill when it comes back in stock, and one now looking for one other indica heavy strain.

Im looking for a strong indica to help with sleep. Ideally it should have a strong body buzz with little head effects, and a fruity flavour although im ok with losing the flavour for ideal effects. I will be letting it go quite a bit longer until most of the trichomes are amber.

So far i've looked into Slurricane from in house genetics, but was a little unsure of such a high price.

-Granddaddy Purple from Ken, again quite expensive.
-L.A Confidential from DNA, but i've heard some issues with quality control lately.
-Black Sugar Rose from Delicious seeds, which seems like the best choice at the moment.

Any recommendations you guys could give me would be much appreciated.
Hello I am about to pout another order for some seeds and waned to get your opinion. So far i will be picking up C99 from female seeds, jillybean fom MZJill when it comes back in stock, and one now looking for one other indica heavy strain.

Im looking for a strong indica to help with sleep. Ideally it should have a strong body buzz with little head effects, and a fruity flavour although im ok with losing the flavour for ideal effects. I will be letting it go quite a bit longer until most of the trichomes are amber.

So far i've looked into Slurricane from in house genetics, but was a little unsure of such a high price.

-Granddaddy Purple from Ken, again quite expensive.
-L.A Confidential from DNA, but i've heard some issues with quality control lately.
-Black Sugar Rose from Delicious seeds, which seems like the best choice at the moment.

Any recommendations you guys could give me would be much appreciated.
I'd say go for the black sugar rose. Solid and easy to grow from what I've read. God bud or hash plant crosses will be good for indica heavy strains.
I grow out la woman years ago and to date it was some of the strongest weed i have growen not to say that it would be the same now as that they have supposedly gone down hill some. But i would say it shoud be worth a shot.
knock you out for sleep easily?
I smoke indicas all day so hard to judge. It had a really unique smell/terps and loved the buzz. smelled like roses, perfume, some other funk, hairspray. Urkle crosses make me sleepy. CSI has some urkle, snow, and bubba crosses. Black Domina, NL, Afghanis, Bubba, HPs, etc. Bodhi's DLA lines are heavy indicas typically.
I grow out la woman years ago and to date it was some of the strongest weed i have growen not to say that it would be the same now as that they have supposedly gone down hill some. But i would say it shoud be worth a shot.
Yeah looks like a great choice, just a little hesitant to go with Barneys as its very difficult for me to get seeds.
The only other pure Indica I have actually grown was Northern Lights and that was in the 90s so that's too far back for me to really remember. I guess the only pure Indica I've tried was blueberry from the dispensary. And Doc's OG from the dispensary which I think is pure indica. So since I've been back growing this is the only pure Indica strain I've grown. The Bud's won't be ready for a few more weeks and I can't hardly wait to try it. But I did smoke some of those Crystal leaves. My last grow was super skunk Autoflower and I thought it was good better than 95% of the stuff from the dispensary but these leaves off The Afghani are even stronger