Indica Vs Sativa - Best Strain


Active Member
This thread is not about what you prefer smoking so please don't opine on that.

That being said, in terms of maximum indoor production and marketability, would you recommend Indica, Satliva or a cross?

Also, what is your favorite strain for the above purpose and from which bank did it come?

Again, please don't comment on what you prefer to smoke or what buzz you prefer. Keep this about production and marketability.
I think that hybrid strains are probably the most valuable, even for commercial growers. People seem to like characteristics of both in their product. It's hard to beat Skunk#1 in terms of saleability. There are few strains that I know of that reflect so well the general desires of the public for day-to-day use, which obviously means sales to commercial growers. Haze has been steadily overshadowing Skunk for quite a while now though.

So, in short, I say 50/50 hybrids are the most valuable. I've heard people say they don't like the lethargy sometimes associated with a full Indica, and I've heard people say they don't like the raciness or sometimes paranoia of Sativas. It just kinda depends, yuh no?