Indica vs Sativa

Which one do you prefer

  • Cannabis sativa

    Votes: 199 51.3%
  • Cannabis indica

    Votes: 189 48.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Sativa all the way! Unless your buying it at a dispensary or growing it, most people dont have any clue what they are smoking other than what the dealer tells them it is. Sativa is a beeyatch to grow due to HOW FREAKING LONG IT TAKES. I just finished a sativa grow and it took 110 days of flowering. But let me tell you that it is some of the most 1st class smoke out there. Most people that grow sativa plants are truely connoisseurs and keep it for themselves and their close circle of friends. I think its more of a older or professional persons choice due to it not nailing you to the couch. Younger kids like to get "stoned" and act stupid where older folks like to get "high" and act stupid...LOL


Well-Known Member
Sativa's can not be beaten for yeild if grown right put a indica and a sativa side by side say somewhwere like spain in summer and the yeilds will be far greater of the sativa.but indica's are my favourite just because of the size and i grow indoors.but the real don of plants is a little of both[hybrid]


It depends on the day and whats on the agenda. If I want to chill then its Indica. If i want to be active or productive then it's Sativa.
I mostly get indicas im pretty sure (something like kush if i had to guess)... so i cant really say what i like better for sure.
I think i had some sort of sativa bud a while ago though (was VERY loose and light) and it was awsome.

Id say the hybrids are the best by far though, best of both worlds... kinda.


my friend sold me some hawiian weed. shit was amazing. thankfully had a seed. planted that bitch 4-5 weeks later things tall as a mother fucker. had to re plant it somewhere where no one could see it. not to long after it started to bud. my friend like a dumb ass picked it and dryed my only bud but the shit got us pretty fucking high. and guessing by the growth rate and hight it was a sativa. but yeah i prefer sativa fromindica.


Active Member
Where I live, it's hard to find indica. I don't mind though because I like Sativa more. Indicas don't have much of an effect on me. I'm thinking it migh be because I've only been able to smoke schwag so far. I harvest some deiselryder tomorrow, so once it's dried, I'll have a good indica to try out.


i'm not sure if it is sativa but the valley where weed grows naturally is called the meo vac valley in Vietnam. it is a border valley with a very low population and a ton of uncultivated mary jane. It is on the bucket list fo sho


Well-Known Member
Indica is my choice to grow since I can turn a crop every 60 days, with Sativas i could maybe turn a crop every 120 days. To smoke? I like a bit of both, depending on how I am feeling.


Well-Known Member
its personal preferance but i think you missed the part where indica gets you stoned and sativa gets you high.

I prefer sativa because i can avoid being classified as a stoner and avoid confirming the stereotypes of the pothead. Im all for the bettering of our community. I dream for us potheads to be a group of men from all organizations. Holding high ranking jobs, and being extremely productive.

So im a sativa man given it reward of a up-lifting high. The only problem is they take for ever to grow and are like 50 thousand feet tall (aka to big for a closet.) so basically i always go wit a mixture but i make sure its sativa dominate by atleast 4:1

you cant avoid being called a stoner... You smoke pot.. Your a stoner. If ur ashamed of it.


Well-Known Member
i alwasy keep to the general notion that sativas should be grown outdoors and indicas indoors. Flowering just takes tooooo loooooong for awesome sativas, and electricity is free outdoors.

AS far as what I prefer, sativa all the way. Indicas are nice, but a GOOD sativa with a QUALITY head high doesnt beat any indica ive smoked.


Well-Known Member
I used to be a pure indica man. Nothing better than a good indica I used to say! Now, I must admit that I have developed a love of sativas. They just seem to affect me so much more profoundly than the indicas do these days.

My .02



Well-Known Member
I apologize if this appears to be in the wrong thread but please read on. I was in an airplane (Learjet) accident 6 years ago. It landed without its landing gear which is a poor idea. This left me with two fractured vertebral bodies and a ruptured inter-vertebral disk. Unfortunately, the surgical intervention to stabilize my spine left matters worse, not better. One surgery led to the second. The third and final surgery was a fusion/plate & screw fixation to mop up the damage incurred by the accident and first two surgeries.

I've been in intractable pain which is not responding to high dose narcotics. I've been through this dilemma with multiple pain management physicians and it apparently is not an issue of tolerance. Anyway, the docs (plural) suggest marijuana but don't know the differences between indica, sativa, et cetera. My question for those with personal experience in treating their own pain: which strain, or percentage blend of strains, is most successful for chronic pain management?

Thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member

This is probably self-evident, but I'm asking about indica versus sativa. Also, I'm asking strictly about pain-management. Feel free to elaborate about chronic as opposed to acute. To ballpark it, I've had kidney stones and appendicitis. Those two disorders were much more manageable than my back injury and it isn't/wasn't because of the duration of their symptoms.

Moderators, if this is in the wrong thread, please relocate it at your discretion.


Well-Known Member
indicas give me crazy panic attacks , but i prefer growing indica cos it yeilds big for its small size and quick flowering period


Well-Known Member

Thanks for taking the time to write. Sorry to hear about the panic attacks. I need to ask a more focused question about pain control. Is either strain, Indica or Sativa, thought to be better for managing pain? I don't mean to complain. The pain is tough to manage with high dose prescription narcotics and my physician wishes me to augment the fentanyl with marijuana, then hopefully reduce the fentanyl.

Indica or Sativa: which is thought to be a better pain control herb?

Moderator: if there is a more appropriate location, feel free to move my post.


Well-Known Member
sadly, there are too many variables in weed.... indica, sativa, strain? nothing ever matters, i try one that I like, i come back to the club and get it again, and its complete shit.

Its 100% grower, and how lucky they were THIS harvest.

genetics matter but good genes can still suck.