Indica vs. Sativa

Hi, guys, new to the forum and not ready to start a grow yet but hopefully soon. I just had a question to start out with that's not so much about growing but about reactions to Indica and Sativa. Before I moved to California, I didn't even know the difference between Indica and Sativa. The weed I got was whatever my co-worker could get me and I didn't know the names of any strains (except the major ones). Anyway, I moved out to California about 6 years ago and all that changed. I pretty much enjoyed everything I smoked, though I liked hybrids best. But when my mother-in-law came out for a visit, I was smoking some lemon diesel with her and it made her really depressed - like scary depressed. I assumed since diesel is a Sativa, it would pick her up. Has anyone had a similar experience or know why a Sativa would depress someone whereas an Indica actually picked her up?
Hi, Mr. Sunshine, I get what you mean but we weren't actively trying to treat anything. She just smokes weed and that was the weed I had with me when she was visiting. I was just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences.
Has anyone had a similar experience or know why a Sativa would depress someone whereas an Indica actually picked her up?

Weed causes an increase in dopamine levels in brain and that's what makes you feel that "up" or "happy" high. But dopamine can result in mood disorders and depression for some people. Activation of cannabinoid receptors also has an additional effect on this subject. Remember that any strain has its own character and effects!
Thanks, Hessam! I think I took that fact for granted since pretty much every strain I've had has reacted well with me. Now I realize how lucky I am! I guess for people like my mother-in-law, it will always just be trial and error. Thanks for giving me a bit of clarity on the science behind it!