
Well-Known Member

macro- eat your heart out, still a while to go, few more days of nutrient i reckon, then comes the
flush these resin glands are getting nice and milky


Well-Known Member
Update guys, getting fat quick or what! and resin is gettin sticky as! gettin closer now, my fat green sugar puffs, thats wat i should call it 'sugar puff!' PC290002.jpgPC290008.jpgPC290010.jpgPC290018.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think I'd call it WOW

ha! thanx man, i'm real real proud of this grow, buying the new fans, and buying a digital ph meter, some really good investments! she's maturing really fast, and the callyxys are really hard and swollen, getting bigger still, not that i like to touch her, harm my baby resin glands! yep fingers now stick together


Well-Known Member
just had to stick my cam in hey, u know how it is round this time, just gotta have a quick whiff hehe! hope u can see the goodness from this average pic, getting sooo dense, a nug brushed my arm, wow mmmmm Photo0882.jpgPhoto0885.jpg


Flowamasta - I just found this forum yesterday and as my motivation to post was uncontrollable after seeing your buds....truly beautiful. I am currently in Sydney from Southern CA. Hold on....need to take another look ..... man, just incredible. I am working on an OG Kush lady at the moment....moved her to flower 10 days ago and starting to see some action.


Well-Known Member
Flowamasta - I just found this forum yesterday and as my motivation to post was uncontrollable after seeing your buds....truly beautiful. I am currently in Sydney from Southern CA. Hold on....need to take another look ..... man, just incredible. I am working on an OG Kush lady at the moment....moved her to flower 10 days ago and starting to see some action.
Thanx man, i'm glad people are seeing this quality, i was sure i wasnt kidding myself!!

check this out! man everyday, new resin glands, this shit is packed on, i'm sooo proud of her!! Was worried because of the chronic weather we all been havin down here! i believe it was
42 degrees c! today! thats 108 F!!! real hard to keep indoor temps down let me tell u, right now shes krankin like 34 in the tent!!

gotta see these pics, tell me to give it a rest if you're sick of em!!

DAY 39!! DAY 39!!!



Well-Known Member
how long would you guys say?? this is only my 2nd indoor grow, i've got a good idea, just curious for thoughts


Well-Known Member
Hey peoples and herb lovers, well u should be all herb lovers! i just wanted to get a few things straight about my plant just so u got an idea how fuckin easy it is to set up, look after and gain huge yields , almost foolproof., ok i got the double bucket, with pot sock inside, 3 inches layballs on bottom, then 100% perlite medium (this is considered hydroponics) the pot with medium its inside the 'other' bucket with small clearance in the bottom so no roots are touching pure nutrient. i have a recirculating system, that feed nutrient every 3 hrs for 15 minutes, well every 2hrs if weather really hot, just watch humidity. i grow from a clone, the baby takes off real fast. i got the hempy bucket (pot) about 12 inches off the ground, u want this because if you have the pot on the ground, same level as reservoir, it will flood your pot, and drown your roots, because there will be a return line coming from the bottom of the buckets and returning down to the bottom of the reservoir., right next to the outlet from the water pump, so u can keep the lid closed, i have a 41 litre reservoir, and it lasts about 3 day, maybe less, i feed fresh nutrient at the beginning of each week, check ph on a regular basis, and about 2-3 days in to feeding i just top reservoir up with fresh water. sometimes a little RIZOtonic (medium conditioner-seaweed extract) and flush each week every week. i have a tap at the bottom of my bucket, i close it off to flush, let the pot fill up with fresh water, drain and discard, maybe repeat, depending of outgoing ph level, and purity of fresh water coming out.

I grow for 4-5 weeks no more. flip her flower for 7 weeks give or take a few days

this is my simple technique(hope it sounds simple enough)

off 1 plant my last grow i harvested 700 grams of dry nug, maybe a little less this time round, didnt quite grow her as tall cause of this stinking hot weather, wait and see....

if you want to know anything about my grow feel free to ask, i'm a proffessional bum at the moment, and i look after my lady better than myself!!

i'm not trying to tell people how to grow, just my easy way, and maybe others can utilise some of my methods to their own advantage

cheers grow on


Well-Known Member
man she is truly beautifull. i have just got some cyco nutes myself im going to give a try?. just wondering in your last grow did u use the pgr. just wondering because i have heard good things.
i got my kit free and it didnt come with the pgr. i have a feeling that the pgr is good shit. supposedly it gives u those chunky looking nugs by shortening up the node spacing in flower. although im sure that it has a lot to do with the strain, i do think though that without the pgr the nugs would probably be just as big, probably not quite as dense though, probably big long colas instead. im not sure though being an aussie im going to have to come round and get a clone off you so i can test my theory myself lol


Active Member
truly inspired, i seen another guy grow in 100 perlite and his were close to yours, you have some amazing flowers and i appreciate your detail cvause thats why were here is to learn. im starting my 2nd grow in a couple days but im going soil 1 more time and then your method. i wonder if a different strain would come out the same


Well-Known Member
man she is truly beautifull. i have just got some cyco nutes myself im going to give a try?. just wondering in your last grow did u use the pgr. just wondering because i have heard good things.
i got my kit free and it didnt come with the pgr. i have a feeling that the pgr is good shit. supposedly it gives u those chunky looking nugs by shortening up the node spacing in flower. although im sure that it has a lot to do with the strain, i do think though that without the pgr the nugs would probably be just as big, probably not quite as dense though, probably big long colas instead. im not sure though being an aussie im going to have to come round and get a clone off you so i can test my theory myself lol
much appreciated, yeah, i've used PGR both times, the first time i really didnt like the idea, u know all the talk about bad carcinogenic materials in it, i did some real hardcore research on the stuff, yeah its banned in alot of places, but it's the safest i could find to do what i needed in the tent,so i only used 3 quarter strength. depending on density of folliage and coverage of bud area. i try with the netting to space it out evenly as possible and try to look where the light is most effective. i like some circulation all the way around the plant, so they don't touch the sides (much...) but i try to fill the area evenly. before i use PGR part A
This time around i only used half strength PGR Part A (paclobutrozol) i didnt want to stop stretching too far this strain is a stubby strain and doesnt have lanky buds atall, so u really only want as much PART A PGR to stop stretching according to how lanky your buds are?? well, thats my theory based on my research of paclobutrozol. Part B (cloremaquat chloride) is the Flower booster you could say, it immediately starts the flowering process, so yeah in theory it probably will make your buds fatter, but only because it starts them off quicker, i used this at half strength, if it does make your buds fatter than i don't want that, i want quality, and need to do it a short Part B is beneficial to me. i have seen this strain with and without, and to me, makes very little difference, just speeds up the process, giving the plant the right hormones to induce flowering

hope this help, i rambled like a dickweed but oh well i'm soo mellow i almost dribbled writing this, a mate brought some killa over, tiny tiny, little buds but WHAM!!! mmmm nice very nice

who wants pics :p light on in 10


Well-Known Member
Let's see them, just smoked a big bowl of bubble... can't see too well... a little foggy, I will do my best.