
Well-Known Member
it's amazing what u can do in a small space! overall the plant is only about 2 feet tall from the top of the pot! and tent is 1.2 metres squared, 2 metres high


Well-Known Member
Everything looks great dude!!! I cant wait to see what the weight will be on that plant dried.



Well-Known Member
flowamaster dude what strain is it? i love it man just so many freaking tops how man times do you top/fim?


Well-Known Member
damn boi decent gram per watts!! 700g-600w impressive so how tuff is the stain man? you know any heritage? just prime man...


Well-Known Member
flowamaster dude what strain is it? i love it man just so many freaking tops how man times do you top/fim?
hey thanx buck u seem pretty ecstatic bout my grow, i don't know enough about the strain, but i do know it's kept among a few lucky growers, it's a freak strain. it gets that heavy that it's like all the callyxs are trying to turn to seed, they get soo hard and swollen, u can't squeeze these buds (deadly serious)

I top when shes day 5 after being planted in perlite, and then i take upto 8-10 clones off the top growth at about week 4 veg , i try to look at how far the smaller branches are going to stretch up, and top the large branches back so they become fairly even, heads being slightly higher ofcourse, The 600 HPS is about anywhere from 10 inches to 16 inches away from my main colas, this increases there density somewhat from other growers experience, but 2 close lowers quality (2 hot) i think you get it right when the buds take on the shape they get,

my buds look bloody pregnant! they are soo fat at their base easy 3 inches round, well the heads anyway! monster buds


Well-Known Member
Photo0544.jpgPhoto0547.jpghere is the plant few weeks ago at about 3 - 3.5 weeks old, just before i took top clones, next grow, i'll try explain and show where i take my clones


Well-Known Member
@flowamaster dude do you find the cyco nutes rather epic?? man its fucking prime 1.5p every couple of months would keep you rather busy mate bong on live long!!


Well-Known Member
@flowie i dont think i have seen this big an indoor plant... like iv'e heard of some strains saying there 700+ g's indoor but yeh i couldnt believe it... and fuck man well a over a g a watt man!! just awesome i keep looking at the pics man!


Well-Known Member
P9130373.jpghere u go! pic of last grow at day 46-48 look at that resin on the leaves, and yep that was 3 quarter strength PGR's (FORGETIWASHERE)

How possibly could pgr's decrease resin production? that is in genetics mate, ask the pros, PGR's do what they are made to do, that's it.


Well-Known Member
well i guess this is where i eat my hat lol. yeah sorry dude i was just going off what i had read and conversations i have had with other people that have used pgrs. and in fact im going to steal that photo and stick it up in another thread that i was on so that i can make some other people eat there hats too lol. if im eating hat im not doing it alone lol

i was considering doing a side by side comparison with the cyco flower but after seeing that i might just go right ahead and use it on both of my next plants.

please accept my humblest apology... sorry dude


Well-Known Member
well i guess this is where i eat my hat lol. yeah sorry dude i was just going off what i had read and conversations i have had with other people that have used pgrs. and in fact im going to steal that photo and stick it up in another thread that i was on so that i can make some other people eat there hats too lol. if im eating hat im not doing it alone lol

i was considering doing a side by side comparison with the cyco flower but after seeing that i might just go right ahead and use it on both of my next plants.

please accept my humblest apology... sorry dude
mate! no nee to apologize, man stoners are nice guys....! hey man go right ahead and copy the pic, i'll chuck in a couple more of my old grow, and a new ones coming in about 1 hr, maybe less, i need to get high! Yeah man, from what i've seen from PGR's aint much wrong with them, especially when you compare it to cigarettes which are guaranteed to hurt you!

man i had resin coming out of my ears last time, i'm just waiting for more to sprout and end up like these babies! yum yumP9130374.jpgP9060371.jpg


Well-Known Member
so how much of the cyco line do you use flowie?
I use everything except the (XL) thats is super phosphoric acid, and only used at around week 3 veg, i didnt get around to getting some PH up at that time as it drops your nutrient Ph down to about 2!!! and hydroponics is ideal at around 5.5 - 5.8 , i'm happy as if it's around 6 consistently as that allows a small buffer incase it drops lower as the nutrient starts to get used up

and sorry buck no seeds, actually last grow i ended up with maybe 2 out of the most developed heads,,

back soon, guys pic updates coming day 42!!! cpl hrs at the most stay tuned


Well-Known Member
yeh nice im the same with my ph! man if u ever get a bean ever! you let me know lol.. phoshoric acid? mmm sounds tasty haha yeh i like the look of cyco but yeh scared of the price... if i say bought the 1L kit how many plants could you do? is the stuff super concentrated ir fairly normal compared to others?


Well-Known Member
yeh nice im the same with my ph! man if u ever get a bean ever! you let me know lol.. phoshoric acid? mmm sounds tasty haha yeh i like the look of cyco but yeh scared of the price... if i say bought the 1L kit how many plants could you do? is the stuff super concentrated ir fairly normal compared to others?
Cyco nutrients are more concentrated than alot of the other brands, it's also made from the most top quality chemicals and agents, i knew someone who knew someone in the cyco business.....and it's the shit, these people want people to have the best weed so they can have a name i guess its a simple as that!

and yes the 1 litre kit will complete 1 grow like mine, with some GROW a+b left over, and some swell usually, swell being only used later on in the budding stage, it's the key ingredient in making the plants essential oils and resins, maybe thats why resin happens at such a late stage rather from the beginning of flowering

Update!!! day 42 start of week 7 tomorrow!
