Indicas are an abomination to the cannabis world

Hal Incandenza

Active Member
I fucking hate them. I am not a medical user, so I can not be biased on that behalf. I fucking hate the very existance of the Indica side of marijuana.

I do wish the Dutch would go fuck themselves. They destroyed the very essence of North American/South American/African/Southeast Asian Sativas and crossed them with their bullshit-lethargic-Canadian like genetics.

I do hate Indicas. And don't talk to me about medical applications. I don't use marijuana for that. Sure, many people use Indicas for that medicinal pain relief, but they don't have to dilute my Sativas that I love to smoke for their own selfish reasons. You guys have destroyed what was once pure.

BUT DON'T DILUTE MY FUCKING SATIVAS FOR YOUR OWN FINANCIAL GAIN. I think Indicas should be put in a small corner just for those that need it. That much I will relinquish, but don't mix your medical shit with my recreational shit.

I don't care who I offend. HERE'S A BIG FUCK YOU to all you Europeans that diluted the world's Sativas. REAL MARIJUANA. Pricks, the whole lot of you.:cuss:
Sounds like methamphetamine is more your thing. You should really work on your rage issues.


New Member
Yeah 30+ years is a beginner...Kids.....:roll:
no, no, no. I'm not calling you a beginner... I guess when I was starting out, I was a real smoker, so I rolled joints every time. I wanted that connection with the weed, to roll it and mold it to smoke it, but I guess you're more right. Beginners tend to gravitate towards glass since they are pussies.


Well-Known Member
I only read the first 4 pages of his thread. Why do you guys get so in raged when this guy made this post? The great thing about us humans is that we are different. This guy hates indicas and is going on a rant for whatever reason. Who cares, leave an opinion. Comment on the thread, but you don't have to try and prove him wrong, call him names or get upset! He just has different tastes than you.

To the op, I too enjoy a good sweet sativa Dom strain. Great smoke for sure! But I also like an indica for different times of the day. I am a variety kind of guy.


New Member
I only read the first 4 pages of his thread. Why do you guys get so in raged when this guy made this post? The great thing about us humans is that we are different. This guy hates indicas and is going on a rant for whatever reason. Who cares, leave an opinion. Comment on the thread, but you don't have to try and prove him wrong, call him names or get upset! He just has different tastes than you.

To the op, I too enjoy a good sweet sativa Dom strain. Great smoke for sure! But I also like an indica for different times of the day. I am a variety kind of guy.
Yup, most of us like to experience everything weed has to offer. I tend to knock strains down after I try them and don't get me high. Obviously I will try the same strain from a different grower, but tend to stay away from getting a bud that previously sucked.


Well-Known Member
I only read the first 4 pages of his thread. Why do you guys get so in raged when this guy made this post? The great thing about us humans is that we are different. This guy hates indicas and is going on a rant for whatever reason. Who cares, leave an opinion. Comment on the thread, but you don't have to try and prove him wrong, call him names or get upset! He just has different tastes than you.

To the op, I too enjoy a good sweet sativa Dom strain. Great smoke for sure! But I also like an indica for different times of the day. I am a variety kind of guy.
indica hatred= racism.
lol for the longest i was just gettin 'regi' and that 'good good' lol only difference i noticed was the stink and prices....its pot just smoke it
what happened to smoking just a plain ass big ole joint?
RAW joints all the way bro, unbleached straight hemp, c.mon theres nothing better than wrapping my weed inside weed (or distant cousin of weed whatever) lol but much purer than a blunt believe me, this is somebody who went through the 60 boxes of swishers in a week (between 3 heads, mostly split between me and roomate) but now i switched to just RAW papers and BHO, dab dab dab


New Member
RAW joints all the way bro, unbleached straight hemp, c.mon theres nothing better than wrapping my weed inside weed (or distant cousin of weed whatever) lol but much purer than a blunt believe me, this is somebody who went through the 60 boxes of swishers in a week (between 3 heads, mostly split between me and roomate) but now i switched to just RAW papers and BHO, dab dab dab
I don't like how slow the raw burns, I have to end up lighting it back up a couple times since it goes out so quickly. Litterally 15 seconds and it goes out lol

Hal Incandenza

Active Member
This is now a joint discussion thread.
Anyone use those clear cyclone cones? I packed one up, lit it, and it went up in flames, half of the bud just fell on the ground. The tube they come in is handy, but the rolls are just shitty and taste absolutely grotesque. Definitely gonna stick with RAW papers.
I don't like how slow the raw burns, I have to end up lighting it back up a couple times since it goes out so quickly. Litterally 15 seconds and it goes out lol
I don't like how slow the raw burns, I have to end up lighting it back up a couple times since it goes out so quickly. Litterally 15 seconds and it goes out lol

bro thats the beauty of the raw, never waste any good medicine bro, and especially those friends who camp with marshmellows on the joint lol, by the time you realize he has had the joint for 3 hours its out. and if you have problems rolling your joint grab you a joint roller bro i have a RAW one
