Indictment Countdown...

Isn't it ironic that government schools rely on non consensual and forcible funding to exist and when one of their employees is involved in consensual sex, you point the gun at the kid for banging her, rather than the school for taking money via force. (theft)

So when you were a lad, if that lady had offered to umm "tutor" you, would you have run screaming for help or would you have done what 83.476 % of most guys would have done.

I made that % up, by the way, Prohibitionist.

although, yes i do wish my typing teached offered to bang or blow me. she was hot and some huge jugs.
Isn't it ironic that government schools rely on non consensual and forcible funding to exist and when one of their employees is involved in consensual sex, you point the gun at the kid for banging her, rather than the school for taking money via force. (theft)

So when you were a lad, if that lady had offered to umm "tutor" you, would you have run screaming for help or would you have done what 83.476 % of most guys would have done.

I made that % up, by the way, Prohibitionist.
Schools = rape
Schools = rape

No, government schools = robbery

The method of funding schools, robbery and rape all have something in common in how they arise.

One party threatens or uses force, the other pays up or spreads their legs (or in your case their cheeks) or they get assaulted, possibly murdered.
No, government schools = robbery

The method of funding schools, robbery and rape all have something in common in how they arise.

One party threatens or uses force, the other pays up or spreads their legs (or in your case their cheeks) or they get assaulted, possibly murdered.
Did you attend your 3 sons highschool graduation ? Did you applaud when they graduated or did you sit in the crowd and go BOOOOO BOOOOO
It's common for pathological liars to believe their own lies and even when confronted, continue to lie and spin webs of deceit to confuse and put off those that question them. I would love to see a female president, even if they were a Dem, but NOT her. I don't trust a single word that comes out of her mouth, much less trust her to run this country.

Several 3rd party fact checkers did some research. They looked into all the claims or responses Hillary has made in the past 10 months. And they looked at all the claims and responses Trump has made in the past 10 months.

Hillary has been honest about 67% of the time. 28% of the time she has not been completely forthcoming or plain dishonest. And the remainder of claims or responses were not verifiable.

Trump has been honest 27% of the time. Well, at least his isn't lying about his name, amirite?

You will need to go do your own research on that. I don't feel like gathering up the sources for you. But it's out there.
Did you attend your 3 sons highschool graduation ? Did you applaud when they graduated or did you sit in the crowd and go BOOOOO BOOOOO

Your post relies on the idea that once a person has gained a realization that a previous action is wrong that somehow their continued path should be to perpetuate the mistake.

You'll never get back to Kansas that way Dorothy.