I just watched Rudy Juliani on Fox news. He admitted he doesnt like Hillary Clinton but he is a pretty good lawyer. This is what the IG report found.
Hillary Clinton did not seek permission to use a private server for her e-mails. Colin Powell and Condelesa rice used private E-mail accounts but they did not set up private servers in their home. By not seeking nor receiving this permission, hillary violated federal statute 18 section 1924.
It is a federal crime to remove without permission a confidential document. By having the server in her home, hillary removed tens of thousands of documents in violation of that statute.
In addition, she committed perjury as she signed a document stating she returned ALL documents to the state department. It has come clear that she was deleting e-mails during an investigation which is obstruction of justice.
Juliani stated she broke about 12 other laws as well.
So... the report is not going to indict her, the IG has no power to indict her. The FBI is going to pass a recommendation for indictment to the justice department and we see what happens after that.
Play your pussy games on this site, it wont change reality.