indoor afghan

i have two indoor afghan (supposed) clones under a 150watt lamp and i was wondering how close i should keep the light, they are about 3 to 4 inches tall few to a couple sets mostly seven points. i don't want to burn them but i want them to have the optimum lighting need to veg.


New Member
it depends on how well your grow room or box is ventilated. if using cfls you can put them 2-3 inches away without burning your plants. im not to sure on hps or halogen?
:mrgreen: there looking good. clipped one top and let the other grow. the clipped one is much shorter but has just as much new growth, looks like that one will take a little longer to harvest but i'm not worried about that. last pic is the set up 150 watt sodium. the plants are closer to it than it looks.


thanks fried this is what they looked like when i got them they were a donation from a friend, more like a hand me down they were the runts of the litter. but i got some super nice soil its like 40 bucks a bale which may fill to 5 gal buckets loosely, but totally worth it. and i got some of that iguana juice which stinks super bad but works like a charm i highly recommend it.
wish i new what day number they were on. but i am still very proud of my little girls, as you can see by all the pics i take. i've had them on 12/12 for a couple of weeks now, i think. should have written it down instead of getting stoned haha. but all in all seem to be doing great. also question on the little guy, since its not really flowering yet would it be possible to put it back on veg? maybe so it gets bigger or am i just impatient and it will grow as it flowers? just wondering, it is only my second try.


thats what i figured. had to ask someone with more experience though to settle the thought. how big would you expect them to grow with the set up i have?
wish i knew, i have them for about a month, both off the same mother. a buddy of mine rooted them then asked me to finish. i'm not sure how old they were when i got them atleast a few weeks. they've been on a 12/12 about 2 weeks now.
i definitely will keep you guys updated, this is only my second time, first time was a weak attempt. but i have some really awesome friends who were more than supportive on me trying again and helped me out alot. but thanks for the compliments i'm sure she appreciates them :). i'll post some new pics soon.
really wish i wrote down what day i started the 12/12.


thanks dude, i'm really psyched about this one almost too good to be true haha, so cross your fingers with me. i tied down the little guys branches out so that they all get the same amount of light kind of like tent posts and they are already redirecting themselves upwards! i can't wait. and the big girl just seems to be bigge everyday. hps + iguana juice = awesome.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Hey bro, looking good...I wouldn't be afraid to put that light close to the plants...I got my 250hps pretty close 3-4in away and just have good ventilation.. Those 150s don't put off a ridiculous amount of heat anyway. Anyway things are looking great!
Hey bro, looking good...I wouldn't be afraid to put that light close to the plants...I got my 250hps pretty close 3-4in away and just have good ventilation.. Those 150s don't put off a ridiculous amount of heat anyway. Anyway things are looking great!
thanks man i've got them about 5 to 6" away right now to keep an even canopy but i think i may move the little one closer. any advice is much appreciated. more pics to come soon.