Indoor Bagseed, thinking its a lowrider, got a question to ask.


Well-Known Member
So I have this plant started from a bag seed. Its been vegging out under a 250 hps at 18/6 for about 50 days, its only about a little over a foot tall and very bushy. It started to show preflower about a week ago and thought it wouldn't progress too fast with 18/6 lighting. But it just keeps flowering. I'm thinking low rider because its so short and already flowering. I'm jsut wondering how long i can keep it vegging. I want it to get a little bigger, because i've cut several clones and have them vegging now. I want to flower them all at once. So yeah, how long can i keep this flowering stubby shella in vegg? I don't want the bud to be shwaggly because i vegged for too long.

Good input= +rep


Well-Known Member
lowryder takes 9 weeks from seed to finish lowryder starts flowering 2 weeks after sprouting so I dought its a lowryder all plants show sex when they get 8 nodes no matter what light.


Well-Known Member
sooo, i should just put her into 12/12 now, or should i just vegg my clones for a couple weeks and flower the whole shabangabang.


Well-Known Member
depends on how much bud you want.If you only got a couple Id say let them grow if you got 70 like whats in the box in the back bud them out I am



Well-Known Member
awight my friend, i will let her grow. I'm thinking the bigger she is, the harder i'll fall. once the little ones catch up i will flower them all at once. nice little field you got there, hope it turns out killer. peace and you guessed it +rep