Indoor CFL Closet Grow - Nirvana's Blue Mystic


Active Member
Hi Everyone!

I decided to start a new thread because I abandoned my converted dresser for a closet and changed things up a bit.

Growing 5 of Nirvana's Blue Mystic (First Attempt). 4 are in a closet with 276 actual watts of 5600K CFL's. They are exactly 3 weeks old today:


I am experimenting with them - 2 are beginning LST and the other 2 are being left alone.
They are in a soiless mix of peat and perlite. Have pH adjusted down to 6.2. I am almost positive that the yellowing occurred because of the lights being too close (it's not spreading to the other leaves and actually looks worse in the pics).

My last plant is growing outside and is just over 2 weeks old:


Comments/Suggestions/Ideas are welcomed and appreciated! Thanks


Active Member
Here are the girls...4 weeks today.

The 4 in the closet: (Since the first two responded to LST so well, I started the other two as well)

Should I remove a couple fan leaves here and there that are blocking light to the little shoots that are developing?





From a little reading/research - I think this might be the beginning of K deficiency? Help me out here please!

Been feeding 1/2 strength Canna Coco (Got a freebie sample from the hydro store) with pH of 6.0. I feed/water every 3 days or so (when they need it). Really like the results so far - I have noticed a great difference in the color and the growth rate.

Should I up the feedings to 3/4 or full strength since they are getting bigger/older?

Help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
The girls look fine.. I don't think you need to up the feeding as long as they are in veg, maybe after the flip. Are you planning to use the same bulbs in flowering? 5600K will not be the optimal choice.


Active Member
You have to keep the ph at 6.5 with soil, you are losing valuable nutrients and that is why your plants are suffering. You are losing P, CA and MG.
Thanks for the helpful chart! :)

I am actually in a soiless mix of peat and perlite and have been told that the pH should be at 5.8 but also have been told by several that the peat is naturally acidic and that I should hold off on lowering the pH that much. I also tested the runoff last watering and it was a 4.0 :( I'm not sure what to do.....

The girls look fine.. I don't think you need to up the feeding as long as they are in veg, maybe after the flip. Are you planning to use the same bulbs in flowering? 5600K will not be the optimal choice.
Thanks! I am actually going to give them 2-3 more weeks for veg and I will be getting 18 - 23w 2700K for flowering, which will give me a little over 400w.

Any ideas on what is going on with my runoff pH? Or should I not be worried about it?


Active Member
Update on the girls:

5 Weeks old

Two of them are at least double the size of the other two. For better size comparison they are planted in 2 gal. pots.

Should I be worried about my runoff pH being really low (4.0)?

Will it hurt the plants to trim off some of the larger fan leaves to allow more light to get to the smaller shoots that are trying to develop?

I was planning on letting these go for 6 weeks total before flipping...any ideas on how much they will grow after flipping? I don't want to flip too early and they still seem small so I think I will let them go for a full 8 weeks...


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Active Member
Just thought I would share. Not trying to brag or anything but I have been having strange, weird things happen lately: :blsmoke:

So I went to HD to pick up my 2700k bulbs today...went in and got 16 of them, walked up to the self checkout counter and the cashier that helps out in that section drops her bottle of soda...which pretty much blew up and I ended up with puddles of soda in my shoes. She was so embarrassed and couldn't quit apologizing about it. The front end manager (or whatever she is) seen the whole thing happen and after yet again apologizing about it proceeded to give me a 50% discount on my purchase! Guess I was in the right place at the right time...sticky with soggy soda socks or not! Never would have expected that in a million years...:lol:


Active Member
Hi All!

Just wanted to give an update and get some feedback.

They are 7 weeks (yesterday) and the smallest one is 6 weeks (was outside for a while til I figured out how to fit it in with the others). When the lights go off I'm giving them 24 hrs of dark...and then starting 12/12.

Comments/ideas/suggestions welcome! :)

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Active Member
Here are some up close shots of the 5....they are 8 days into 12/12

Need some opinions please! Thank You!

Looks like these 2 are male:

IMG_0613.jpg IMG_0612.jpg

These 3 look female:

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New Member
Never remove any part(s) of the plant. 4.0 is way too acidic. pH range is 6.2-7.3 (look up pH Nutrient Availability Charts on the web). You go 12/12 when the plant is sexually mature. That means female pistils at nodes and alternating nodes. (search diagrams on the web.)

Top-right looks like it might be male.



Active Member
They seem to be bulking up quickly. The leaves have just started getting frosty! ;-) Having to water every other day and sometimes move lights up 2x a day. Still doing Canna Coco every feeding.

Comments are welcome! :mrgreen:

Here they are at 3.5 weeks:

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Active Member
The 3 ladies are 7 weeks into flower today! Any idea on how long I have left? I know it varies a lot...but strain says 7-9 weeks. Through the 60x mag I can see that about 50% of the trichs are milky and just a few here and there are starting to amber.

Here they are:

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Sorry about the pics being a little jacked up through the loupe....still trying to get that down... :?
