Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
I really feel good about the clones I took. They are standing tall and proud. Actually, at first one of them was slouching a pit, earlier today I staked it up. I went and checked on them about 10 minutes ago, she's standing straight up, not even touching the stake anymore.

If I ever get my flash card back I'll take some pics, I guess this is just one of the downfalls of dating a photo major.


Well-Known Member
cool, make sure you come back to the hempy collective and post some pics of your progress, its also a good place to get your questions answered everyone is real helpful..... and btw I am going to order a t5 setup in the next few weeks I have done alot of reading on it, and they seem to be the best of both worlds.......


Well-Known Member
cool, make sure you come back to the hempy collective and post some pics of your progress, its also a good place to get your questions answered everyone is real helpful..... and btw I am going to order a t5 setup in the next few weeks I have done alot of reading on it, and they seem to be the best of both worlds.......
As soon as I get my flash card back I'm going to go and get some pix up.

I really like the T5 hood, I'm thinking of getting another one so I'll have one for vegging and one for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I went and transplanted Princess Consuela into a Hempy bucket last night. Just like Esmerelda did, she perked right up by morning. Unfortunatley, Esmerelda seems to have relapsed. She's got one stem that's still standing, all the others are back to drooping. Her clones still seem to be doing well, so atleast theres that.


Well-Known Member
is she in a hempy bucket?? when you first tranplant them you probably should water everyday til the tap root reaches the res, the only time my plants droop is when they are thirsty, first time it happend it worried me, but when I lfted the pot it was light as a feather, watered and 1 hour later back to normal.........


Well-Known Member
is she in a hempy bucket?? when you first tranplant them you probably should water everyday til the tap root reaches the res, the only time my plants droop is when they are thirsty, first time it happend it worried me, but when I lfted the pot it was light as a feather, watered and 1 hour later back to normal.........
Yea, everyone is now in Hempys. I'm watering everyday now, hopefully she'll pull through.


Well-Known Member
I am sure she will have no fear..... get us some pics soon
Like I said, I'm dating a photo major...and its the end of the semester...I'll be lucky if I even get to see the card let alone use it. Two more weeks and i'll have unlimited access again


Well-Known Member
I made a trip down to a hydro shop yesterday (90+ min each way). I went and got myself a HomeBox XS. I'll be using that for when I start flowering. While I was there I also checked out there lights. I think I might have to go with getting another one of the HTGSupply T5 fixtures. I think it's better, and cheaper than any of the fluro fixtures they had there.


Well-Known Member
I've figured it out. After each of the transplants the plants woud spring back to life and then a couple of days later they'd go back to being droopy as shit. When I cleaned off the soil from the roots one of the things I would do is use Hydrogen peroxide. One of the things that I love about hempy buckets is the fact that is is stupidly easy to test runoff. The PH of my runoff tested at 8+. The PH of the Peroxide, 4. My theory is that the plant responded to the lower ph of the peroxide and rebounded. I'm hoping that if I start watering them now with water that's around 4 or 5 that it should even out and the plants should come back. Wish me luck.

Oh, atleast one of the Esmerelda clones have taken roots and is doing well. One of the 3 is now in my homebox under some 3000Ks.


Well-Known Member
your ph should be at 6.0-6.2 for this what type of nutes are you using??? I just had a problem with mine I was using soil nutes that don thave any ph buffers..... get some hydro specific nutes with a ph buffer or ph your water AFTER you add your nutes.....

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey Cirrus - I noticed you are in the process of switching to Hempy, so I thought I'd check out your journal and show you some support. Gotta support the Hempy Collective! ... lol

I went and transplanted Princess Consuela into a Hempy bucket last night. Just like Esmerelda did, she perked right up by morning. Unfortunatley, Esmerelda seems to have relapsed. She's got one stem that's still standing, all the others are back to drooping. Her clones still seem to be doing well, so atleast theres that.
When I switched over from DWC, I used a little Hygrozyme to ensure that any roots that may have been damaged would turn into useable energy for my babies. Also, until they are well rooted, you must water daily.

is she in a hempy bucket?? when you first tranplant them you probably should water everyday til the tap root reaches the res, the only time my plants droop is when they are thirsty, first time it happend it worried me, but when I lfted the pot it was light as a feather, watered and 1 hour later back to normal.........
Amen, brother - gotta water daily for maybe only a week or so.

I let mine go for 3 days this past week, cause I wanted to transplant and figured the root ball would be easier to deal with - and it was. I would just check it each day and if it was still heavy, I would wait. On the third day, when I picked them up to check for weight, they were mad light and droopping.

So I transplanted from 16oz foam cups to 2 gal black dollar store buckets and within the hour they had perked back up. So if you notice that your plants are droopping, they are probably just hungry... lol

I've figured it out. After each of the transplants the plants woud spring back to life and then a couple of days later they'd go back to being droopy as shit. When I cleaned off the soil from the roots one of the things I would do is use Hydrogen peroxide. One of the things that I love about hempy buckets is the fact that is is stupidly easy to test runoff. The PH of my runoff tested at 8+. The PH of the Peroxide, 4. My theory is that the plant responded to the lower ph of the peroxide and rebounded. I'm hoping that if I start watering them now with water that's around 4 or 5 that it should even out and the plants should come back. Wish me luck.

Oh, atleast one of the Esmerelda clones have taken roots and is doing well. One of the 3 is now in my homebox under some 3000Ks.
Well you know now, not to let a freshly transplanted hempy go for more than a day with out watering. But oh yeah, got to check your PH before you feed your babies.

If you are using only perlite like most of us Hempy devotee, then the perlite is pretty much neutral. So mix up your nutrients and let them sit for a few hours, then check the PH. If you need to add PH Down, wait another hour or two after adding it to your solution and then check the PH again. If it is at the level you want (around 6.0), now you can feed your babies. This method has been working great for me.

I also use 35% Hydrogen peroxide in my feedings - like every other feeding though, since they are not like when my plants were in DWC and constantly needing me to provide useable oxygen to the roots. With hempy they are already getting a good supply of oxygen.

Also remember that you should not use your nutrients at full strength, try 1/2 strength at first and then move it up a little bit after a while - they will love you for it!



Well-Known Member
Just got back from Walmart. Picked up 6 gallons of distilled water...that should be enough to flush out my Hempy Buckets.