Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

Check your ph levels - since you are having a "claw leaves" normally the cause of this is due to imbalanced ph. In fact, what are your readings? I would like to know what is the average for the following: ec, ph, and moister level. What is your feeding and watering schedule? What brand of soil are you using? What type of nutrients are you using? This information will assist me in knowing more about your grow.

Also I notice that your temps were at 90 degrees...hang a thermometer a few inches above your plants for accurate temp readings. Control your temps with fans, ventilation, and portable air conditioner if necessary. Ventilation is very important!!!

Let me know if I can offer further assistance


Well-Known Member
Check your ph levels - since you are having a "claw leaves" normally the cause of this is due to imbalanced ph. In fact, what are your readings? I would like to know what is the average for the following: ec, ph, and moister level. What is your feeding and watering schedule? What brand of soil are you using? What type of nutrients are you using? This information will assist me in knowing more about your grow.

Also I notice that your temps were at 90 degrees...hang a thermometer a few inches above your plants for accurate temp readings. Control your temps with fans, ventilation, and portable air conditioner if necessary. Ventilation is very important!!!

Let me know if I can offer further assistance
I don't know what ec is. My ph kit is in a box along with my nutes that's somewhere between here and San Franscisco. I ordered them almost 2 weeks ago, don't know why they're not here yet. I don't have a moisture meter; I've just been sticking my finger a few inches into the soil to determine if I water or not. Dry finger means it's time to water. I now have a fan running and am able to keep the temp inbetween 78 and 82.


Well-Known Member
PC is starting to recover. Yesterday one of her leaves was drooping down to the soil and another one was almost there. Now neither of them are touching the soil and they're starting to lift themselves back up. I don't know if it was transplanting her, or not being under the heat, or switching to distilled water, or maybe it was the spritzes of superthrive, All I know is that it looks like she's on her way back.

Moon Beam on the other hand...Her leaves are shrivleing and are actually kind of hard in some places. I haven't done anything to her that I didn't do to Princess, but she's not showing any signs of improvement. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
No real changes to update. Esmerelda is still growing strong, Princess Consuela is fairing as well as she has been as of late. And then there's my Moon Beam. Her leaves are still green, but they're all shrivled and kinda hard now, looks like the end is near.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about how weird these plant's reactions have been. They're all under the same light, drinking the same amount of the same water, and yet they're all handleing it very differently. Moon Beam appears to be on the verge of death. Her leaves have shrivled up and they're hard now. Princess Consuela had a stint with the claw and has some yellowing in her leaves that she's slowly getting over. And Esmerelda, shes the one who I came into the closet one morning to find that a cat had eat all her leaves, she's now thriving and growing bigger each day. It's just weird, three plants, under the same conditions, with three very different reactions.


Well-Known Member
I think it's almost time to pronounce Moon Beam. Her leaves are so dry that one snapped off when I barely grazed it. That and her color is starting to fade. I doubt anything'll happen, but she has two more days, if theres no improvement, I move on to a new seed.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see another CFL setup going!

I lament for your plants. :( No parent should have to watch their children go through something like what you've seen. I'm hoping both Esmerelda and Consuela come through and are chicks. You've earned it after this!

You seem to be doing a lot more things right (besides seeding in a jar) than I am, but I've got 6 plants working under just 3 CFLs! You've got a better setup, soil, nutrients, and more lights. It's a damn shame this process hasn't been nicer to you thus far. I'll keep checking in, though. I'm always curious to see how other CFL-ers are doing it!


Well-Known Member
Nice to see another CFL setup going!

I lament for your plants. :( No parent should have to watch their children go through something like what you've seen. I'm hoping both Esmerelda and Consuela come through and are chicks. You've earned it after this!

You seem to be doing a lot more things right (besides seeding in a jar) than I am, but I've got 6 plants working under just 3 CFLs! You've got a better setup, soil, nutrients, and more lights. It's a damn shame this process hasn't been nicer to you thus far. I'll keep checking in, though. I'm always curious to see how other CFL-ers are doing it!
It sucks that they keep dieing on me and I don't know why. They're all being ttreated the same so I can't figure out what's doing it. Eh well, it sucks, but what can I do. So long as I get atleast 1 through harvest I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Get us some updates and pictures today so we can check in on the ladies. I'm anxious to see what PC and Esmerelda are up to after a few days without pics!


Well-Known Member
It sucks that they keep dieing on me and I don't know why. They're all being ttreated the same so I can't figure out what's doing it. Eh well, it sucks, but what can I do. So long as I get atleast 1 through harvest I'll be happy.
dude did you ever get your ph test kit??? I know I mentioned it too you earlier in your grow and someone else mentioned it as well, take it from me wrong ph will ruin your grow, no 2 ways about it, get the kit brother good luck...........


Well-Known Member
dude did you ever get your ph test kit??? I know I mentioned it too you earlier in your grow and someone else mentioned it as well, take it from me wrong ph will ruin your grow, no 2 ways about it, get the kit brother good luck...........
I don't know what the hell is taking it so long. Still no sign of my nutes or the ph kit that i ordered. It's comming UPS ground from San Franscisco so i expected it to take a little while, but this is getting ridiculous. If it doesn't come today I'm calling the store.


Well-Known Member
What was poor Moon Beam's fate? Are you down to two ladies now?
I'm not expecting Moon Beam to make a come back. Her leaves shriviled up and are hard now, but they're still green so I'm giving her one more day. If it's her time then its her time. Worst case, I have a home for when i clip some clones off of esmerelda.


Well-Known Member
ok so I live in New England, there are no hydro shops anywhere near me. There are a few garden suply places, but nothing that has all that i need. My parents live on Long Island. I did some looking around and there is a hydro shop in Queens that is 10 minutes out of the way. So I went there today. I now finally have a PH kit, I got my fox farm nutes, and some cloneing solution.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of Pics, I've been having some technical difficulties. I should be able to get some up tonight.

On the upside however, I used my PH testing kit last night. Turns out the water I had been giving them was in the neighborhood of 5.0. After alittle bit of trial and error I was able to get it into a 6.5-7.0 range....that's where I want it right?


Well-Known Member
OK, it's been far too long since I've gotten some pics up, but I've finally got a working cam, so here ya go.

Today makes 26 days for Esmerelda and an even 20 for Princess Consuela. First two are pics of my set up and supplies. Then its a few of PC and a few of Esmerelda.

Esmerelda has some curling on her leaves, that means the PH is off right? If so it's not a problem since she started getting water that's been ph calibrated yesterday.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?



Well-Known Member
What was poor Moon Beam's fate? Are you down to two ladies now?

She is now gone. It turns out the ph of the water I've been giving them was around 5. Since I'm now able to adjust my ph I'm hoping that, that and that alone was what killed her.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 5 is super low for soil plants. That should explain a lot of the trouble you've been having. It's too bad Moon Beam didn't make it, but now you've got everything together, and it should be easy going from here on out. Lighting setup looks good, definitely better than mine right now. I've gotta work on getting a lot more CFLs to shower my babies with beautiful light.

And to answer your earlier question, the neighborhood of 6.5 - 7 pH is perfect for soil. Just always make sure to adjust pH *AFTER* putting nutes in the water, if you didn't already know that. They're looking really good now, though! The pH adjustment should fix the leaf curling, and then it looks like you'll be in the clear to grow some dank shit!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 5 is super low for soil plants. That should explain a lot of the trouble you've been having. It's too bad Moon Beam didn't make it, but now you've got everything together, and it should be easy going from here on out. Lighting setup looks good, definitely better than mine right now. I've gotta work on getting a lot more CFLs to shower my babies with beautiful light.

And to answer your earlier question, the neighborhood of 6.5 - 7 pH is perfect for soil. Just always make sure to adjust pH *AFTER* putting nutes in the water, if you didn't already know that. They're looking really good now, though! The pH adjustment should fix the leaf curling, and then it looks like you'll be in the clear to grow some dank shit!
Aye, other than buying some more lights and figuring out how I'm going to seperate them when it comes time to flower, I'm hoping for nothing but smooth sailing.

I started them today on half strength nutes. I'm using FoxFarm's GrowBig, big bloom and Tiger Bloom. I don't know what exactly it's at because I got a cheap PH kit that only gives me ranges, but after I diluted the nutes I calibrated the ph up to somewhere between 6.5 and 7.

Thanks for commenting, hope to hear from you reguarly.