Indoor Closet Growth with LED's (Glow Panel 45) Advice Needed! Please look!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to make a suggestion.

Put your plants a little closer together in a square shape configuration, with little space between the plants, 6-8". Put 1 LED over 2 plants, and the other the same, and get the CFLs in between the plants if they do not have reflectors, try to position them no more than 2" from the plant. And the ones with reflectors, make sure all the light is getting reflected at plant and not at a wall or up in the air away from the plant if you can help it.

I could see you pulling 2+ oz's if you make no mistakes and maximize the light as much as possible.
I'd like to make a suggestion.

Put your plants a little closer together in a square shape configuration, with little space between the plants, 6-8". Put 1 LED over 2 plants, and the other the same, and get the CFLs in between the plants if they do not have reflectors, try to position them no more than 2" from the plant. And the ones with reflectors, make sure all the light is getting reflected at plant and not at a wall or up in the air away from the plant if you can help it.

I could see you pulling 2+ oz's if you make no mistakes and maximize the light as much as possible.
What do you mean about putting the lights "in between" the plants?

And are you thinking 2 Ozs total?


Well-Known Member
Hang the lights that do not have the reflectors between the plants, so all the light is shining on the plants, rather half the light getting shined onto a wall, and dissipating before reaching back to the plants.Hang the lights about 1/2 down the height of the plant, i.e. if they're 24", hang the CFLs 12" below the canopy between the plants. I can see as little as 1/4 oz, or maybe 1/4 LB if you're lucky, 2-3 oz seems about right though. Yields are hard to guess though. I've been growing 20 years and can't even guess my own yields.

Here's a quick crude ms paint image of what I am talking about.
What do you mean about putting the lights "in between" the plants? And are you thinking 2 Ozs total?
I think we have all lights at all angles this current way and it allows for us to adjust the lights free of adjusting all the lights. There are no dark areas in this box and I truly believe the lights are providing a great amount of useable light and I am looking forward to the results. We switched to 12/12 today so we will see how this goes.
Plants, day 5 of flowering, doing well, nodes are opening, and looking healthy. Added another lamp to the front left, 2 more 23 W in there, and 4 more added throughout as well, so 6 more CFL's, 24 23W CFLs total, with 2 glowpanel 45...this will be the final addition of lighting to this grow, so we will see what we can crop this time around.



If you were to add up all the bulbs, splitters, and reflectors how much did all those cost?
Not exactly sure, Im gonna say, $240-$270. I know there are good HPS you can get for this amount, but in a closet, the heat and ventilation would have been too big of a problem.

Update on plants:

Flowering excellent, and today we realized the initial plant 4 that had almost died has made a complete comeback, and also sprouted an entire second plant with its own cola, so we essentially have 5 plants. :) Pictures to come soon. Stay tuned. This is Day 11 of Flowering, and all are looking good with the expected dying of some base grow shadowed out by the canopies.
Just wondering how your grow has turned out? considering now its April, and the last post was in January, I assume everything is done? Any pics? keep it up!


Well-Known Member
ya i wanted to follow this, im using one of those 45 led panels, mines the original 45watt one tho. i have 8 autogrowers under it in party cups, was wondering what i should do come flower time with them, i want to try some under the panel just to see how she puts out but obviously wont be able to flower all 8 under it.