indoor cucumber


Well-Known Member
lol from what i hear they arent hard to grow and you dont need to maintain them much. it something you let grow in the background while you worry about "other grows" ;)

but hell if it aint gonna taste good i dont wanna grow it.


Well-Known Member
you have to wait until there are both male and female flowers. Usually you only get one or the other early on. The males are on the end of a small stem while the females are on the end of a small cucumber.
That's assuming you're growing a self-pollinating variety.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 cucumber plants and 2 tomato plants, and one bell pepper, and one tiny sweet pepper plant inside in my tents...I am getting my first cucumbers off of the indoor vines, and they are much much smaller than the ones I get off of the same plants outside...Which I guess is to be expected...but still...Oh well...I have some huge cucumbers, and some tiny snack cucumbers.
lol.bite size. on a ritz cracker.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much...I mean the outdoor cucumbers of the same type get near a foot long, but the one inside is about 4 inches and is done...

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
your cucumber plant is growing alot in the dwc type bucket. i decided to start my own dwc tomato plant. i made a clone of the tomato and get the roots to start than i got a net pot and a container from wal-mart. instead of hydroton i used marbles haha i didnt wanna buy a bag of it for one small net cup. ill take some pics later today. i am very proud of my first hydroponics plant:-P

here is the mother plant and than the clone. i think the tomato has a disease... so the clone could be bad also. the bottom leaves/branches will dry up and fall off. i do not know if it this is a normal thing with underwater or what. it is very hot and she gets dried out pretty fast since she is so big.
