Indoor Greenhouse


New Member
This probably wouldn't be very hard to do... and I have no intention of doing it any time soon. I've had an idea that's been pottering about in my head for some time now... It involves a similar method to SCROG, but instead of using a mesh screen replacing this with a glass or plastic screen...

Would the screen work in the same way as a greenhouse?

Also, you would be able to get the plants closer to the lights as the screen would absorb most of the heat.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but what do you mean by the screen working the same as a greenhouse?


New Member
By intensifying (concentrating) the artificial light... and yes, I take my medicine regularly... what can I say... I'm an addict.


New Member
At each of my grows, all my lights have glass covers. Without the glass the temp's rise incredibly. Instead of having seperate pieces of glass (plastic), i'm suggesting having 1 large sheet suspended 6" below the lights. The plants could grow to within an inch of the sheet without feeling the heat. So, they'll get maximum benefit from the light.

Ever used glass covers for your lights mogie?


Well-Known Member
Of course most people use glass covers. It was all the talk about a mesh screen that was confusing. Still don't know what that has to do with a glass cover for a light.


New Member
It was for imagery purposes... of course this screen will be solid. But it'd be suspended further below the lights than usual glass covers. Also the size of grow room I have in my imagery is 16ft x 12ft.

So, you have six 400w lamps suspended from beams that are screwed into either wall. You could get a plastic screen and suspend it from the beams, and below the lights at about 6". The heat from the lights is absorbed into the plastic and spread around, but the light still gets through as the plastic is translucent.

I'm not too clued up on greenhouses which is why I asked the question.


Well-Known Member
Oh that is what messed me up the imagery part..That part of my brain is not working at the moment due to over use of marijuana.


New Member
Honestly? I haven't written for 3 years due to having kids but I find that all my best ideas come when I am stoned... my imagination goes into overdrive.


Well-Known Member
I tell my hubby about my great ideas that I get when I'm medicated too. But they don't seem so great when I am straight. They are more like Bevis and Butthead kind of logic. At least I am entertaining.


New Member
I'm permanently stoned. I'm just rolling my 4th joint now, 2 1/2 hrs after getting up... drinking my 3rd cup of coffee too.

I suppose the days of actually getting 'stoned' are long gone for me. It just seems normal to me. I did have a moment of clarity yesterday while out shopping, I had another ready-rolled joint in my pocket, but it wasn't ideal to smoke it as there was a lot of people around. Anyway, it was as though I had suddenly woken up, and I have to admit it did feel kinda good... it put me in mind of the moments after doing the bench press, when the endorphins are flooding the body... a cocaine rush.

The world is a dreary place without cannabis... people are so fucking miserable.

Oh and mogie, I didn't realise that you were a female... unless you're not? Your avatar is very masculin... and it also quite clearly states beneath said avatar Mr. Ganja.

Farmer Mark

Active Member
you guys should write books, like Louis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) did, so, from now on, remember to keep a pen in your pocket next to your joint, in case you have any endorphins and shits you want to write on paper to make people feel as good as you do! :D

I personally am afraid of what I might write in those X-mas eve I went to bet completely stoned, thanks to a joint one of my friends offered me, and started being paranoid about the fact that I could die during sleep and go in a coma..that wasnt nice!!! but in a sense it was!! I think the ganja had an addition of Ammonia or some substance because the effects i got from that joint were too powerful..