Indoor Grow, Ice, Big Bud


Active Member
Hey, this is my first grow that I started almost 4 months ago. I started with 6 plants and I am down to 4 girls. Here is my original post.

Soil: Organic Soil from local garden center mixed with perlite and vermiculite
Lighting: 1000 watt MH (1000 HPS for flowering)
Nutes: Veg- Floranova Grow Nutes, Floralicious Grow Formula, GH Subculture
Flowering- Floranova Bloom Nutes, Floralicious Bloom Formula, Kool Bloom, Cha Ching (Final 2 weeks)
Genetics: Big Bud, Ice I mixed up the labels so I have no idea which one is which... yet haha.

The 2 girls



Active Member
Started my next crop Indoors in a different location today, White Rhino, Widowcindy (thanks Earl), "Chronic Bud", And Afghan Mazar.