Active Member
Hey, fellow Growers/Tokers! I'm planning an indoor grow op (personal use only, it doesn't have to be a HUGE yield), and I need a little help getting started. (any specific questions will have an asterix
I understand a fair bit about gardening in general, but when it comes to growing cannabis, and, more specifically, growing cannabis indors, I'm pretty well a newb. I understand most of the theory, but as for practice... I've only ever grown ONE plant, which turned out to be horribly leggy (and I'm fairly sure it was a male, not 100% sure because I had to destroy it before it was mature).
I'm hoping to have this op going on 4.20.09 (I'm sure you all understand why), but the date doesn't REALLY matter...
I'd like to keep this thing as simple as possible, while still producing as much high-quality bud as possible, as fast as possible.
My situation:
-I have a grand total of maybe $30 I can spend on this 'project'. I've got a FEW of the materials I'll need, but I might have to improvise on some things.
-I have VERY limited space, at maximum I've got 2.5'x5'x8' (if I can keep it to 1.5'x3'x4' that would be great).
-I have to keep this COVERT! If I'm caught, I'm dead. simple as that.
My plan:
-Construct a grow cabinet! [I'll post my plans for this later, as it's going to take some time to gather my materials and take stock] (this is, more than anything, what I'll need help on).
-I'm going to grow several plants to begin with, to make sure I have a female.
-As soon as they're old enough to be sexed*, I'll destroy the males.
-Standard procedure from here... I'd like to try LST*, then Topping/FIM* to make the most of my limited space.
-Clone the best plant from this harvest, and then do it all again.
*1 Is there any specific age requirement for sexing the plant, or can it be put on 12/12 immediately after sprouting in order to skip a lengthy Veg period?
*2 Low stress training... All I know about it, is nothing (except that it's helpful in limited space/light environments). Would someone mind teaching me how?
*3 How, exactly, do you Top/FIM a plant? I need instructions (pics/vid would be great).
So, does anyone have anything they'd like to input?
I understand a fair bit about gardening in general, but when it comes to growing cannabis, and, more specifically, growing cannabis indors, I'm pretty well a newb. I understand most of the theory, but as for practice... I've only ever grown ONE plant, which turned out to be horribly leggy (and I'm fairly sure it was a male, not 100% sure because I had to destroy it before it was mature).
I'm hoping to have this op going on 4.20.09 (I'm sure you all understand why), but the date doesn't REALLY matter...
I'd like to keep this thing as simple as possible, while still producing as much high-quality bud as possible, as fast as possible.
My situation:
-I have a grand total of maybe $30 I can spend on this 'project'. I've got a FEW of the materials I'll need, but I might have to improvise on some things.
-I have VERY limited space, at maximum I've got 2.5'x5'x8' (if I can keep it to 1.5'x3'x4' that would be great).
-I have to keep this COVERT! If I'm caught, I'm dead. simple as that.
My plan:
-Construct a grow cabinet! [I'll post my plans for this later, as it's going to take some time to gather my materials and take stock] (this is, more than anything, what I'll need help on).
-I'm going to grow several plants to begin with, to make sure I have a female.
-As soon as they're old enough to be sexed*, I'll destroy the males.
-Standard procedure from here... I'd like to try LST*, then Topping/FIM* to make the most of my limited space.
-Clone the best plant from this harvest, and then do it all again.
*1 Is there any specific age requirement for sexing the plant, or can it be put on 12/12 immediately after sprouting in order to skip a lengthy Veg period?
*2 Low stress training... All I know about it, is nothing (except that it's helpful in limited space/light environments). Would someone mind teaching me how?
*3 How, exactly, do you Top/FIM a plant? I need instructions (pics/vid would be great).
So, does anyone have anything they'd like to input?