Indoor Grow Plan - Help/advice needed


Active Member
Hey, fellow Growers/Tokers! I'm planning an indoor grow op (personal use only, it doesn't have to be a HUGE yield), and I need a little help getting started. (any specific questions will have an asterix

I understand a fair bit about gardening in general, but when it comes to growing cannabis, and, more specifically, growing cannabis indors, I'm pretty well a newb. I understand most of the theory, but as for practice... I've only ever grown ONE plant, which turned out to be horribly leggy (and I'm fairly sure it was a male, not 100% sure because I had to destroy it before it was mature).

I'm hoping to have this op going on 4.20.09 (I'm sure you all understand why), but the date doesn't REALLY matter...
I'd like to keep this thing as simple as possible, while still producing as much high-quality bud as possible, as fast as possible.

My situation:
-I have a grand total of maybe $30 I can spend on this 'project'. I've got a FEW of the materials I'll need, but I might have to improvise on some things.
-I have VERY limited space, at maximum I've got 2.5'x5'x8' (if I can keep it to 1.5'x3'x4' that would be great).
-I have to keep this COVERT! If I'm caught, I'm dead. simple as that.

My plan:
-Construct a grow cabinet! [I'll post my plans for this later, as it's going to take some time to gather my materials and take stock] (this is, more than anything, what I'll need help on).
-I'm going to grow several plants to begin with, to make sure I have a female.
-As soon as they're old enough to be sexed*, I'll destroy the males.
-Standard procedure from here... I'd like to try LST*, then Topping/FIM* to make the most of my limited space.
-Clone the best plant from this harvest, and then do it all again.

*1 Is there any specific age requirement for sexing the plant, or can it be put on 12/12 immediately after sprouting in order to skip a lengthy Veg period?
*2 Low stress training... All I know about it, is nothing (except that it's helpful in limited space/light environments). Would someone mind teaching me how?
*3 How, exactly, do you Top/FIM a plant? I need instructions (pics/vid would be great).
So, does anyone have anything they'd like to input?


Well-Known Member
Both of these links are very helpful for LST.

You should give your plant at least a month or 2 of veg time from seed in order for it to be mature enough to flower. If you were working with clones you could skip most of this wait time. Seeds need some time to establish themselves before going to 12/12.

I know nothing of topping or FIM I do not believe in high stress training. Removing part of the plant and stunting growth by pinching both seem illogical to me. They all equal less plant and slowed growth. I know they can be effective though.


Active Member
Not saying it can't be done with 30$, but from start to finish with only 30$ isn't going to cut it, you'll pretty much end up with not that much weed at all I'm guessing like 10grams at most, highly unlikely for a CFL grow with not many CFLS do to $$. It is likely where I live, sicne I can buy a 30watt 2700K or a 6500K for one buck each (getto dollar store). IF you can buy more CFLs later on in the grow and already have fans for intake and exhuast and such, you could pull it off with 30$. Just to let you know, the grow is going to be VERY SLOW, and only most likely going ot come out with a few grams at the end of like 14weeks. I'm basing this off my own experiences.


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Staff member
Ok, I'll bite. Here's what I know about FIM or Fuck I Missed.
I only use fim when I have a plant or two (I usually do 12 to 15 girls) that are out pacing the others I'll use this technique and yes it does stop top growth for perhaps 3 or so days accomplishing three things.
The first is the other girls get to catch up, the second benifit is the fim'd lady's lower growth becomes much stronger, and lastly you retain the main cola.
Once I have them pretty much the same height I install the scrog screen & when they get serious I use the lst method. I have a good quantity of very heavy solid copper ground wire, I form a hook in one end and wire on a 7/8" s/s nut to the other - somebody gets jiggy & I hang the weights on em. I've never broken a stem or branch with this method & it lets me fill out the canope with buds in a closet 2 1/2'x7'x8' with two 600w HPS. I use soil and am almost organic - I still break down and use ferts on occasion, but I never sell & better yet never have to buy either.
Killer tasting bud.


be more curious

New Member
Start saving.HAHA. Well I tried with my Rubbermaid grow box to keep it cheap but soon found my slef having to spend money. My advice is not to cheap yourself on your soil or lights. The box can be a shitty looking as possible but if it has good ventalation and is light sealed you are set. Try searching google with <site: 12/12 from seed> you will see many cheaper grows with soil. Hydro is out of your budget for now. Also look into rubbermaid designs. I have a nice set up in just a 31gal box. Spend your time stoned from now untill 420 reading forums and jotting down numbers, you will be happier I think with the result of your box. It's all in the numbers from equipment to cure cost.


Active Member
Thanks for the input, guys!

I'm thinking of trying a rubbermaid grow box (I've already got a couple tubs I could get away with using).

So far, the materials I have for this are:
-2 rubbermaid tubs
-black/white spraypaint (for lightproofing)
-Maylar survival blanket (for maximum light reflection)
-Pots and soil (I might need to adjust the soil a bit however)
-Duct Tape (for obvious reasons... Just like The Force, it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together...)

What I KNOW I still need:
-tubing for water
-exhaust/ventillation fans (this.... could be a problem. I may have to modify a personal/room fan, unless someone has a better way...?)
-lightbulbs (another problem... I don't have much of a selection, and anyway, I've got no idea what kind to get)

Is there anything else I've missed?


Well-Known Member
Do you want to run a Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium setup or are you thinking just going with CFLs? I can help you figure out what kind of lights to get for either setup. There is some simple number crunching required to answer the lighting question.


Active Member
Hmm... honestly? I have no fucking clue, lol. From what I've seen... CFLs would be my best option right now, I think?

A MH/HPS setup is better for yield and quality, though, right? But I've heard they're fairly expensive... and at the moment, every dollar I don't spend is a blessing... But I guess as long as they don't cost TOO much, I might be able to swing it. I've got something like $200 to my name right now.

I don't know. I'm torn between wanting to be frugal, and wanting quality and quantity. I guess what kinds would I use, for either setup? And approximately how much could I expect to pay for each?


Well-Known Member
Based on the space you are using you would probably need to go with 400W bulbs. There is unfortunately no way that I know of to get a complete MH/HPS setup running for less than $200. CFLs can be a cheap way to get a great deal of light into a small space. If you are going to go with CFLs you will need to get a mixture of 2700K (warm white) and 6700K(daylight) bulbs. This will ensure you have to proper spectrums floating around your room. There are many good CFL posts out there which you can learn from. My grow journal has a good amount of CFL info and some idea for setting them up. I recently changed over to a 400W HPS for flowering though. The CFLs worked great for veg but now I want something heartier.


Active Member
Thanks much! You have no idea how much that helps me. I've got a couple more questions, though... If I go with 400w CFLs, how many of them do I need, for 1-3 plants inside a 15"x20"x36" box? Also, how far do they need to be from the plants? And, when they're ready for 12/12 (and bear with me because I'm just shooting blind here), would it be possible to use colored photofilms or theatrical lighting gels over the lights to mimic the spectrum produced by HPS lights?


Well-Known Member
Thanks much! You have no idea how much that helps me. I've got a couple more questions, though... If I go with 400w CFLs, how many of them do I need, for 1-3 plants inside a 15"x20"x36" box? Also, how far do they need to be from the plants? And, when they're ready for 12/12 (and bear with me because I'm just shooting blind here), would it be possible to use colored photofilms or theatrical lighting gels over the lights to mimic the spectrum produced by HPS lights?
If you are working in a box of that size then CFLs are definitely the way to go for you. You will need some 26W or 42W CFLs. Make sure you get some that are 2700K(soft/warm white) as well as some that are 6500K(daylight). Using a mixture of the 2 light colours will ensure proper light spectrum. The 65K's put out a very blue light which is good for vegetative growth. The 27K's will put out a red light that is effective during flowering. 2700K will mimic the colour of light put out by the HPS but it will not have the same intensity as the HPS. It is the intensity of the bulb that makes HPS more desirable. For your size though CFLs are a much better choice. Keep the plants roughly 2-4 inches away from the lights. They put off little to no heat so you can get them in very close in order to make sure that all the light is absorbed by the plant. You don't need to worry about the theatre lighting colours. Using a mixture of both 2700K and 6500K will give you the right light colours. You need both throughout the duration of the plant's life. However, you want more 65K early on and more 27K in flower.


Active Member
okay, great! Now that I actually know a little bit about lights, this thing is gonna be a whole lot easier.... although I've still got to buy some lightsockets. Or... well now that I think about it... I don't think anyone will miss that lamp... and I've got another one somewhere... That gives me 4 sockets. I guess if I need more later I can go shopping...

Now... Ventillation... This could be a pain. All I've got is a 6" personal fan... will that be enough? And I've seen people using Activated Co2 filters... is that really necessary?


Well-Known Member
The filters you use depends on how much you need it to not smell like cannabis is growing. If smell is not an issue, which is rarely ever the case, then you don't need to use one. You could use that 6" fan to pull air though one of these: You should check out my journal. I was a first timer when it started and had to learn a number of first time lessons. I tried to let everyone learn with me.


Well-Known Member
A good idea to do with that fan is to put a hole in your grow bin and hot glueing it on there then place your carbon filter over itso the fan pulls the air thru the filter and I would advise that you get another fan for intake


Well-Known Member
Ok, well your a first time indoor grower. Just do it the ghetto way, your only going to be growing what? like 2-3 plants, Do you have a closet? Clear some space. Put something on the floor to absorb the water so you dont get mold or any type of nasty shit. clean the area vaccum. Get two socket's either hang them of hook them to the wall or directly above so you can change the distance, get you medium size pots and put them in. Seed your pots, Put the fan on something elevated so your plants get some breeze and kick back for a month. You should get some 6$ soil from Lowe's or something.. Seriously your learning you dont need this crazy setup that might actually get you caught. Lmao. When you start flowering get some nute's and then on the second month of flowering get ready for curing. Simple shit yo. Oh yes and one more thing, while your doing all that you can read up on indoor plant growth. AND DONT COVER YOUR AREA WITH FOIL.


Active Member
okay. So, here's my revised list of materials:

-2 Rubbermaid tubs
-pots and soil
-2 27k 400w CFLs
-2 65k 400w CFLs
-4 light sockets
-15sq ft. Maylar
-6in. Fan
-10ft. 1"diam. rubber tubing
-2 activated carbon filters
-duct tape
-spray paint (black/white)

Will that do the trick?


Active Member
No, not hydro... just a regular grow. The tubing is just so I can water the plants evenly, without having to take the lid off every single time.


Well-Known Member
oh ok LOL you should pick up some misters and have a regular tube and a misting tube plants like folier feeding