Indoor growers get ready to be f**ked


Well-Known Member
+rep for posting this skate. Thank you so much.

The Cap and Trade Bill will put a bullet in Uncle Sam's head, make no mistake about it.

I can't express how serious this is... it's almost too hard to believe a bill like this was even written. We must inform everybody. Everybody must know about this bill.


Well-Known Member
Even Greenpeace is against this.
This is the Goldman Sachs enviromental scheme.
We only need 4 of the 8 republicans to change their votes.
That will make 215 yes - 216 no. (its currently 219 yay - 212 nay)
We have as of right now 4 days 8 hours to hound these guys.
They can still change their votes!

These are the republicans:
Mary Bono Mack R (CA)
Mike Castle R (DW)
Mark Steven Eirk R (IL)
Leonard Lance R (NJ)
Frank LoBiondo R (NJ)
John McHugh R (NY)
Dave Reichert R (WA)
Chris Smith R (NJ)

These are Blue Dogs if your feeling lucky:
Altmire, Jason (PA-04)
Arcuri, Mike (NY-24)
Baca, Joe (CA-43)
Barrow, John (GA-12)
Berry, Marion (AR-01)
Bishop, Sanford (GA-02)
Boren, Dan (OK-02)
Boswell, Leonard (IA-03)
Boyd, Allen (FL-02)
Bright, Bobby (AL-02)
Cardoza, Dennis (CA-18)
Carney, Christopher (PA-10)
Chandler, Ben (KY-06)
Childers, Travis (MS-01)
Cooper, Jim (TN-05)
Costa, Jim (CA-20)
Cuellar, Henry (TX-28)
Dahlkemper, Kathy (PA-03)
Davis, Lincoln (TN-04)
Donnelly, Joe (IN-02)
Ellsworth, Brad (IN-08)
Giffords, Gabrielle (AZ-08)
Gordon, Bart (TN-06)
Griffith, Parker (AL-05)
Harman, Jane (CA-36)
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie (SD)
Hill, Baron (IN-09)
Holden, Tim (PA-17)
Kratovil, Jr., Frank (MD-01)
McIntyre, Mike (NC-07)
Marshall, Jim (GA-03)
Matheson, Jim (UT-02)
Melancon, Charlie (LA-03)
Michaud, Mike (ME-02)
Minnick, Walt (ID-01)
Mitchell, Harry (AZ-05)
Moore, Dennis (KS-03)
Murphy, Patrick (PA-08)
Nye, Glenn (VA-02)
Peterson, Collin (MN-07)
Pomeroy, Earl (ND)
Ross, Mike (AR-04)
Salazar, John (CO-03)
Sanchez, Loretta (CA-47)
Schiff, Adam (CA-29)
Scott, David (GA-13)
Shuler, Heath (NC-11)
Space, Zack (OH-18)
Tanner, John (TN-08)
Taylor, Gene (MS-04)
Thompson, Mike (CA-01)
Wilson, Charles (OH-06)

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Not trying to shit in anybody's corn flakes,BUT,why is it that a republican needs to change their vote?All but 8 voted against this bs legislation.
Somebody needs to talk to the dumbass majority party about getting on board with what's good for america & stop this partisan political b s.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to shit in anybody's corn flakes,BUT,why is it that a republican needs to change their vote?All but 8 voted against this bs legislation.
Somebody needs to talk to the dumbass majority party about getting on board with what's good for america & stop this partisan political b s.
You're assuming that politicians actually know what is good for America, or could actually identify such a concept.

What would be good for America is less government interference in our lives.

As long as you harm no one, do what you will.


New Member
I've been trying to call both numbers that connect to the Senate for two days now. I've tried all time frames, including 3 in the morning. All I get are busy signals. Must be a LOT of people calling to voice their oppositon. Didn't do any good though ... the bill still passed.



Well-Known Member
I've been trying to call both numbers that connect to the Senate for two days now. I've tried all time frames, including 3 in the morning. All I get are busy signals. Must be a LOT of people calling to voice their oppositon. Didn't do any good though ... the bill still passed.

When I started watching C-SPAN they were playing games about the new bill with the 3am 300 new pages that totally changed the first bill. You must go to the cloak room too see the bill after you looked it up on the internet.:wall::wall::wall::wall: Our tax dollars HARD at work...:wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
We wanted change ... but didn't get it ... that's the problem ... the elite in congress obviously don't give a damn what the people want or think.:cuss:


New Member
OK, call me ignorant, but: Just what will this bill do to fuck indoor growers. How much will it end up costing the average taxpayer. Come on now, to have panicked all you cons, it must be doing something terrible and irreversable. Please explain these terrible things to this old farm boy. Thanks in advance.


New Member
OK, call me ignorant, but: Just what will this bill do to fuck indoor growers. How much will it end up costing the average taxpayer. Come on now, to have panicked all you cons, it must be doing something terrible and irreversable. Please explain these terrible things to this old farm boy. Thanks in advance.
In spite of the obvious, I'm not going to call you ignorant. I've turned over a new leaf. :lol:

Here ya go, Med ... a simple Google search turned up this Wall Street Journal article:



Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of the ignornant majority and bullshit oligarchs that run this country into the ground! I swear, I hope for something drastic to happen to this current administration and stop these motherfuckers from taking what little freedom we still have away from us.


Well-Known Member
Just what will this bill do to fuck indoor growers.

Pretty simple math.

25w cfl (100w) equivalent x 10 =
250w cfl (1000w)equivalent
24 hrs (Veg)
12cents/ kwh
$22.30/ month
$270/ yr ($135 every 6 months)
Based on a 31 day month

(135/2 = $67.50 (clearly, this represents 6 months flowering on a 12/12 light cycle))

67.5+135 = $202.50/ year assuming you veg 50% and flower 50% of the time in your 4x4 foot grow show, and that you use cfl. Multiply that by 4 if you use 1000w hid. Now we are at $810 a year.

This is before cap and trade.
Now to cite an earlier link...

According to this article, 9th paragraph, 2nd sentence...

"When CBO scored a similar bill last year, it expected prices to start at $23 and rise to $44 by 2018. CBO also projected the total value of the allowances at $902 billion over the first decade, which is some $256 billion more than the Administration's estimate."

A projected increase of 100% in the cost of CO2 credits over 9 years. So you could generally say that $810/ yr just jumped to $1620 if the energy consumer pays 100% of the increase in energy production Under Cap and Trade.

From the same article, the "making work pay" tax credit will pay families $800 bucks. After the credit, according to my 2nd grade math, Cap and trade will cost the indoor grower $10 more annually over the next 9 years... For a 4x4 grow show.

But what if I grow with 10 1000W hid? By 2018 that will cost me $16,200 a year in lighting less the $800 tax credit- or $15,400. That is pretty big overhead compared to the $8100/yr I pay now. (Assuming I have a 40x40 ft grow op.)

I'd say so far that it will cost the indoor grower a bangload-almost double. In lighting alone.

What if I want to Air condition or heat my grow op? 3500w/ hr for a 2.5 ton ac unit. I am cooling a 40x40 foot grow show with 2.5 tons of ac? That is not enough cooling, but I'll be conservative. 1200 btu/hr= 1 ton 40x40= 1600 sq./ft so take $15,400 and multiply that by 3.5 is $53,900/yr to cool the space. This does not factor the heat load produced by 10,000w of hid lighting. Your total in cooling and lighting is now at $69,300.

Have I started on fans yet? Or have I touched on the remarkable increase in nute costs, water, delivery of soil, rent, insurance, what about cost of living? These numbers rely on the fact that you are alive to grow in the first place.

In short, the manufacturer is not going to stop producing. That FUBAR will be passed to the consumer. The increase in cost of everything will be staggering. But there really is nothing you can do about it now. I would stockpile guns, water, food, medicine. And I would get over the retarded, yes RETARDED notion that it will all be all right because someone in high command- SOMEONE in a position of power must care enough to not let this happen. Right? Anyone? Hello?


Well-Known Member
great to see others here are talking about this issue. Any bill that adds 300 pages hours before a vote is obviously not for our best interest. Patriot Act was done in a similiar way.

Something else that should be mentioned is this bill creates Climate Police who will monitor buisnesses and households. Could cause quite some trouble for even medical growers. This is a tax on life and also a creation of a new form of police. Really is quite shocking how we are about to take the next step into tyranny yet nobody seems to be aware. I guess they are creating more jobs, all of them carry a badge and a gun.


Well-Known Member
great to see others here are talking about this issue. Any bill that adds 300 pages hours before a vote is obviously not for our best interest. Patriot Act was done in a similiar way.

Something else that should be mentioned is this bill creates Climate Police who will monitor buisnesses and households. Could cause quite some trouble for even medical growers. This is a tax on life and also a creation of a new form of police. Really is quite shocking how we are about to take the next step into tyranny yet nobody seems to be aware. I guess they are creating more jobs, all of them carry a badge and a gun.
Is it true that the original 1300 pages were handed out 24 hours prior? If so that's asking for an uninformed vote, as nobody can read all that in a day.
If it all wasnt so disgusting, I would laugh, but thats no laughing matter. Can't the legit lawmakers (yeah sounds funny to me too) say, wait, I wont vote yes or no with this kind of deadline, but those would just be excluded so the corupt ones can push a bill through under the cloak of night.


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to call both numbers that connect to the Senate for two days now. I've tried all time frames, including 3 in the morning. All I get are busy signals. Must be a LOT of people calling to voice their oppositon. Didn't do any good though ... the bill still passed.

How about they took the number offline? Because we already know how much they care about peoples opinion, they already got the votes, they wont listen again until campaign time, I really feel this to be true, call me a cynic.