Hi, I have read this websites useful information from time to time and found it rather helpful but need some further assistance. I have used the faq and other threads but need some specific help in identifying my plant problems.
My setup:
Indoor - 1.2sq.m. & 0.6cub.m.
600 HPS @ 90cm
about 8-10 weeks (but no lights for first 2/3 weeks)
12 plants (for time being)
seeds: unknown
pots= 4.5L(200mm)
plants about 30cm tall
potting mix soil
Watered when the top 1" of soil is crusty
ph meter says about 5.5-7
fan replaces air in closet numerous times a minute.
Last week they came out of 2L pots into current 4.5L pots - (small i know but i have limited space and too many plants.
Just started nutrients last week, not sure of the ppm, but using 1/3 of recommended dose=1ml/L.
These plants are the worst, but all have similar problems to a lesser degree. They showed these problem before the nutrients and transplanting, but not as extreme.
Any experienced help would be appreciated.
My setup:
Indoor - 1.2sq.m. & 0.6cub.m.
600 HPS @ 90cm
about 8-10 weeks (but no lights for first 2/3 weeks)
12 plants (for time being)
seeds: unknown
pots= 4.5L(200mm)
plants about 30cm tall
potting mix soil
Watered when the top 1" of soil is crusty
ph meter says about 5.5-7
fan replaces air in closet numerous times a minute.
Last week they came out of 2L pots into current 4.5L pots - (small i know but i have limited space and too many plants.
Just started nutrients last week, not sure of the ppm, but using 1/3 of recommended dose=1ml/L.
These plants are the worst, but all have similar problems to a lesser degree. They showed these problem before the nutrients and transplanting, but not as extreme.
Any experienced help would be appreciated.