Indoor help


Active Member
i have 3 plants and sitting about 3inch above them are 2 60watt CFL's. Well I was wondering if 2 60watt CFL's would do? if not what kind of CFL would i need 400watt? Thanks for the help its greatly appreciated

Plenty of folks grow with CFL exclusively. Usually more watts though. Any reason why you are not going with a Highg Intensity Discharge light?
I'm using cfls right now as well but for 2 plants I am using 6 bulbs. Add more of them and cfls will work fine. Make sure to use correct spectrum for what stage ur in. 6500k or daylight for vegetation and 2700k or warm/soft for
flowering. Good luck and post pics of ur babies! We like pics!
are they true 60 watt bulbs or are they equal to 60 watt incandesents? - if they are the size of a regular light bulb,they are 60 watt equivalent & are enough for 3 seedlings but once the plants get over 4-6 inches high,you will need way more light
alright thanks guys im going to home depot today so ill pick up some more lights besides buying like 5 bulbs can i just up the watts?
i think i got the watts wrong on the bulbs it says 120v 60Hz i looked it up and its 360watts. Do I still need more light?
i have two plants growin with 3 100 watt ... u should have at least at the minumum 100w per plant
your package that u got your bulbs in shoudl say wat wattage ... can u show me a picture of your bulb i might be able to tell ya then
alright the image is posted but i got these lights along time ago so i never did keep the box (didn't grow then) pics in first post
the bulbs in the picture are in no way= 360 watts. they look like 23 watt or so. the package will say something along the lines of 23 watts and 90 watt equivalent. you need at least 50 actual watts per square foot for good results. now I have seen people refute this showing great results w/ as little as 25 watts per sq ft and others say nothing less than 100 watts per sq but as a rule of thumb, 50 watts or more per sq ft works out well.
my 1st grow was done w/ 4 foot floros at about 40 watts pr sq & came out good. the next crop, I added a 400 hps to give me 40 watts of floro and 33 watts of HPS per sq & the results were almost triple the first.
the bulbs in the picture are in no way= 360 watts. they look like 23 watt or so.

That's what I was thinking. Your bulbs look way too small to be 60 watts, I think what you read is 60w EQUIVALENT. That means your bulbs are comparable to 60w incandescent lights, while in reality they only use 23 watts. If you got some Y splitters for those outlets you could very easily, and cheaply, upgrade to four 42w CFLs. Remember that when reading through these forums and purchasing bulbs, you only care about ACTUAL wattage, not equivalent. My lights are 500w equivalent, but only use 105 actual watts.
yupp those bulbs are no where near 360 you should get like 5 or 6 more of those things or just buy bulbs and up your wattage for less lights i use 3 100 hundred watters for 2 plants works fantastic