Indoor organic OG. Scrogged 600w closet grow.


Well-Known Member

Hello fellow growers!

I just wanted to spend a little time and introduce you to our fine Scott's OG.
She is currently in her 87th day of veg and I plan on keeping a weekly journal of her progress.
As you can see, she is roughly 70% complete filling out the scrog and am eagerly looking forward to making the switch. I've heard good things about going 13/11. Anybody have experience with this?

Our soil is completely organic. We run a microgreens farm and practice a strict no-till practice as much as possible so our soil is pretty top notch. We use vermicompost from our mini vermicompost factory (ask me and I will show you how) which is amended with organic nutrients like:
Kelp: stimulates root growth and remineralizes soils
Soft Rock Phosphate: Adds the phosphate that is lacking in our soils
Bone Meal: Another phosphate source that will be very useful during the flowering cycle
Cottonseed Meal: Is a great soil acidifier for alkali soils
E.B Stone Sure start Bio Inoculants

I just recently cleaned up the lower foliage that was not getting any light and am currently spending time training the bud sites along the SCROG.

Please let me know what you think, I look forward to hearing your input/advice.
Thanks for stopping by ;)


Well-Known Member

Hello fellow growers!

I just wanted to spend a little time and introduce you to our fine Scott's OG.
She is currently in her 87th day of veg and I plan on keeping a weekly journal of her progress.
As you can see, she is roughly 70% complete filling out the scrog and am eagerly looking forward to making the switch. I've heard good things about going 13/11. Anybody have experience with this?

Our soil is completely organic. We run a microgreens farm and practice a strict no-till practice as much as possible so our soil is pretty top notch. We use vermicompost from our mini vermicompost factory (ask me and I will show you how) which is amended with organic nutrients like:
Kelp: stimulates root growth and remineralizes soils
Soft Rock Phosphate: Adds the phosphate that is lacking in our soils
Bone Meal: Another phosphate source that will be very useful during the flowering cycle
Cottonseed Meal: Is a great soil acidifier for alkali soils
E.B Stone Sure start Bio Inoculants

I just recently cleaned up the lower foliage that was not getting any light and am currently spending time training the bud sites along the SCROG.

Please let me know what you think, I look forward to hearing your input/advice.
Thanks for stopping by ;)
cool! another ROLS subscriber.
What do you use for your soil base?
I personally don't like cottonseed meal, but I use peat, so I don't need anything to acidify my soil.
Any crab meal? Neem meal? Insect frass? Alfalfa?
and wow 87 days is a LONG vege time, I hope that's from germination?
what is EB stone sure start?


Well-Known Member

Hello fellow growers!

I just wanted to spend a little time and introduce you to our fine Scott's OG.
She is currently in her 87th day of veg and I plan on keeping a weekly journal of her progress.
As you can see, she is roughly 70% complete filling out the scrog and am eagerly looking forward to making the switch. I've heard good things about going 13/11. Anybody have experience with this?

Our soil is completely organic. We run a microgreens farm and practice a strict no-till practice as much as possible so our soil is pretty top notch. We use vermicompost from our mini vermicompost factory (ask me and I will show you how) which is amended with organic nutrients like:
Kelp: stimulates root growth and remineralizes soils
Soft Rock Phosphate: Adds the phosphate that is lacking in our soils
Bone Meal: Another phosphate source that will be very useful during the flowering cycle
Cottonseed Meal: Is a great soil acidifier for alkali soils
E.B Stone Sure start Bio Inoculants

I just recently cleaned up the lower foliage that was not getting any light and am currently spending time training the bud sites along the SCROG.

Please let me know what you think, I look forward to hearing your input/advice.
Thanks for stopping by ;)
I forgot to add, in regards to your 13/11 question, I have done a whol harvest using 12/12, 13/11, and 11/13, and as boring as it is, the 12/12 was the best, the 13/11 took about a week longer to mature, and the 11/13 went the fastest, but with about a 10-15% difference in the end yield.
Granted it wasn't done in a systematic scientific approach ( I only did three plants, all bluedream, all roughly the same height and all had the same amount of colas (I train to have six)
the 13/11 was about the same yield as the 12/12, but it took longer, so no point in that.
after all of that, I just went back to the old 12/12.
I only did this experiment once though, so to be truly certain, i'd change a couple variables, probably go with a sea of green method to limit growth differences, but either way, I know my bluedream, I've been growing her for yrs and yrs. I know what she can do


Well-Known Member
If 12/12 yields the same amount but more efficiently, than 12/12 it is.
I really appreciate your feedback greasemonkey, you saved me a weeks worth of drying time ;)
But hey, blue dreams, cant go wrong with that eh?
Do you have any links to the grow? I'd love to see what you did with them!


Well-Known Member
If 12/12 yields the same amount but more efficiently, than 12/12 it is.
I really appreciate your feedback greasemonkey, you saved me a weeks worth of drying time ;)
But hey, blue dreams, cant go wrong with that eh?
Do you have any links to the grow? I'd love to see what you did with them!
ah, yes, well, i'm having problems posting pics since my last Windows update...
But yeah, Bluedream is a helluva plant, grown organically it turns out so much better than the hydro version, I've had five seasoned growers/smokers accuse me of lying when I let them try my bluedream. It responds really differently with soil and organics. I also use a metal halide with my HPS, and I REALLY believe it makes a noticeable difference. Hands down, no doubt.


Well-Known Member
For sure dude, blue dreams is an old school fave for me, cant ever go wrong with that!

Here is an update on our current scotts Og. I uploaded 5 min ago (:


Well-Known Member
Lol oops, completely forgot to answer your question. It is in a one gallon pot, my biggest regret


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty surprised how well she is doing too. I wouldn't have expected such growth from a one gallon container. I think it has to do with our vermicompost for some reason. I own an urban farm and building soil is my job so I'm pretty happy that she is happy in her tiny container ☺


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be making a video of the roots unveiling when it is time for harvest. I'll be sure to upload here


Well-Known Member
and in the beginning, water once a day very slowly. towards the end of the grow, I think the soil biology really settled and it started to hold water much better and I could water 3x as much at full blast. pretty interesting actually


Well-Known Member
Yes that is better to be able to water more. It seems like the plants love to be able to access water constantly, they just need to have a big enough root mass to take that amount of water


Well-Known Member
Yep, but she will be going into her dark phase next week. going to water stress her during that time. hopefully she'll get even more frosty thanks for all your input ! keep your opinions coming ☺


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, here is another update of the scotts OG as well as 2 new clones.

LMK what you guys think!

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
I've got two Scotts ladies that I've got going in a notill scrog. First time running them in a Scrog. Great strain though.