Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow


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My original idea was to grow completely outside as I didn't want to spend a lot of money or time on the grow, so I started about 10 White Satin seeds in doors in the window occasionally throwing some insufficient light on them at night. After 5 weeks they were little more than seedlings (Go figure). Then I decided to stick them outside and they were immediately beaten down by the weather and I lost 8 out of 10. Frustrated I turned to RIU and quickly learned that I had nowhere near the amount of light I should have had on them.

So the remaining 2 White Satins I turned over to mother nature and planted them outside and buried their spindly stems up to the first set of leaves. It's been about 2 1/2 weeks since that time and those 2 seem to be thriving outside. I've fed them 2 days ago with Pure Blend Pro Vegetative.

Looking for a fresh start I ordered some PPP feminized from Nirvana and decided after being schooled on RIU to give the indoor grow a try. Right now I have 2 seedlings that are up and the 3rd hopefully on it's way but no sign yet.

The grow room for the indoor will be my 2nd bathroom in the bath tub. I will be using CFL's and adding more as I go. Currently there are 2 40W bulbs running at 24 hours and a small fan going on them at all times. The shower is white and the curtain is white, so I'm thinking I might not have to do much about reflection, but I'd love to hear suggestions. All for now here's some pictures. Let me know what you think of the room and the plan.



Active Member
Today I'm changing the light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6 in an attempt to save a little money on lighting and I've been reading the back and forths on the site about letting the plants rest. Makes sense to me. Why try to fight the way the plants naturally grow outside. (Besides the fact that I'm growing plants in my bathtub). Anyways had to do some work to cover up the windows as there will now be a dark period. There's a small amount of light coming in through the top of the door, but I don't think it is much at all.

I got a heavy duty timer from Home Depot and have been trying it out this morning before it goes live. It doesn't seem to be turning at all. If I turn it manually it works fine, turning off when it should and on when it should, but doesn't turn on it's own. Did I get a bad timer or am I missing something. I've never used one of these, but they seem simple enough. Any thoughts?

Not much to report other than that the next couple days seem very sunny which my plants and I really need. Sweet!


Active Member

I did some work with my lights. Originally had 2 40 watt 2700's, but switched 1 out for 2 6500's to give more blue. Over night the plants seemed to really like it as they looked like they had grown a lot this morning. As the Home Depot hood wouldn't fit with the "Y" adapters I put on the second light I had to construct some beer can hoods which seem to be working great.

Well in the process of moving lights around I put the 2700 closer to one of the plants and it didn't stay in place, when I came back the clamp on the light had switched and the bulb was sitting on one of my plants frying it like bacon. Check out the pictures. Poor girl. Maybe indoor grows just aren't for me. What do you think the chances of her coming back are or should I start germinating another seed?

Please write in my thread. I'd love to hear some suggestions, comments. I can use all the help I can get. Kind of quiet here so far.

Doing great! 2 days of beautiful weather and one of them is starting to smell real skunky already. Which is another reason why I like the idea of outdoor growing. I'll try to post pics of those tomorrow.



Active Member

The PPP got transplanted today to bigger pots. No idea if the one that got burned by the light is going to pull through or not. I don't see any new growth, but 1 of the leaves is still staying green and the stem looks fine. I can't decide whether to start germinating another 1 to replace it or not. I'll give it a couple more days.

Good that I transplanted as the roots were already at the bottom of the containers I started them in.

Here's them chilling outside while I was doing some work on the grow room:

I wired up a new socket attached to some finishing board with mylar on the underside. The can reflectors are a great idea, but I can't stand moving them around. Very clunky. Think I'll be getting rid of them soon, but for now they will stay. Here's the new setup:


Today the outdoor White Satin got it's second feeding. It was a little stronger than the last one, so I hope nothing gets burned. I fed them early this morning and here they are later in the day. So far so good:


I'm seriously considering moving the PPP outside once they get bigger and then finishing them inside if I run out of time. Outside is just so much easier, cheaper, natural, etc.

If anybody is watching this give me a shout and let me know what I'm doing wrong or right. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
hey amn make sure to keep the bathroom door locked any way.

its a great place to grow if u have a spare look like that. plenty of height ,ventilation? , very cool reflectors, where did u buy them..

u will need better lights for flowering and veg 2 id say..
if u plan on getting more into growing which u prob will u shpuld get a hps light, you will get the best results then..

its good to have 2 grows going on aswell more involved and excitment :peace:


Active Member
Yeah, it's in the bathtub/shower, so there's plenty of room in there. There's a fan going 24/7 a window open and the bathroom exhaust fan. It stays around 70 F in there. I'm only using about 1/4 of the space right now. Hopefully a lot more as I get going. The reflectors are made from Heineken cans. Just had to drink beer and cut up some cans. Not a bad deal!

I have 2 more lights lined up for when the plant(s) start to grow a little more. No interest in HPS as I don't want to deal with heat/fire issues or even have to worry about that stuff. Also I'd much rather grow outside. This is just kind of an experiment.


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Not much to update on. The good plant is seemingly loving the bigger pots and light setup and seemed to double in size since last night. Amazing!

Looking at the 1 that got burned a couple days ago I can see some really small leaves starting to shoot out the top of the stem, so it looks like it MAY make a recovery. However, I'm not taking my chances. I started germinating another seed today just in case. Worse case I end up with 3 indoors instead of 2.


Going off right now. I love the simplicity of feeding every 4 days and otherwise doing nothing but watching and now smelling. I'll be adding some fencing this week as my dog has now found the site and almost trampled the plants the other day. He likes his weed.

Otherwise I have seen no bugs, no slugs, no signs of deer or anything else. Very surprising since all of those things are in abundance in the area. Maybe the raspberry bushes surrounding them are distracting the critters.


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Well unfortunately plant#2 that got burned didn't make it, it was just too young to pull through that kind of trauma. So all of the light has been moved to plant#1 which is really taking off since being transplanted to the larger pot.

Amazing what a week of light will do!

I ended up starting a new seed which germinated in about 2 days and is starting to poke through the soil today. It's got some catching up to do with it's older sister.

I'll be away for the weekend and while I was anxious last week even to leave the plants while I was away at work, I'm pretty comfortable with the setup now and I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm looking forward to seeing some green leaves on plant#2 when I get back.


Didn't get a chance to take pictures, but they are doing great. I'll feed them tomorrow before I leave. I'll post some pictures of them when I get back.



Active Member

Nice growth over the weekend. Plant #1 is really starting to fill in:

The 2nd indoor plant came up over the weekend too. I'll probably transplant it to a large pot in a couple days. Also plan to get some more lights in there later in the week. Here's the new girl:


The outdoor plants are like a different species. Lots of room between the sets of leaves, although you can see small leaves starting at the corners of every branch, which should start to fill out the plants some. Hopefully. Here's the pics:

If you're watching this grow let me know what you think. I can use all the help I can get.



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It's been POURING here all day so I didn't get a chance to get pics of the outdoor, but here are the indoor. They really took off this week. I added an additional 30w bulb that I had around. Plant #1 is super bushy. I feel like I should start giving plant #1 nutes at this point, but it's doing so well and looks so healthy I'm not sure I want to mess with anything. Will I get even more growth by adding nutes at this point? Is it worth it? I have no idea so I ask the more experienced out there. What say you?



Active Member
OK here's a couple more of #1. Looks like I didn't put enough soil into the pot when I planted her so there was about 1 1/2 inches of extra pot past the dirt line which she was running into. I cut it off as you can see in picture 2. You can see the growth much better now:



Active Member

Plant 2 is finally starting to show some significant growth. They look pretty droopy. I hadn't watered them in a week, so maybe that's what it was. They got their first taste of pure blend pro grow yesterday. Here they are out enjoying the first sun we've seen in a week after their first feeding:

You can see some burn in a couple of places from where they grew into the
CFL's. They grow soo fast I really need to be moving them around a lot to get the balance of having the lights close enough to get the full impact and not burn the leaves. I'll get there at some point.


Considering the extreme lack of sun we've had and the ridiculous amount of rain the outdoor girls are pretty huge. The one in the first picture is well over 2 feet at this point and doesn't show any signs of stopping.

Does anyone know how to hide attachments without losing the pictures you've embedded in your post? Last post I just removed my attachments after getting them into the actual post which seemed to work, but when I came back this time they were gone. Thanks for reading.



Active Member
No more drooping on the indoor today after yesterdays watering and feeding. They've really perked up a ton. Almost seems like they go into a shell when they don't get enough water to protect themselves from the light. After the watering yesterday they've opened right up where I can clearly see the stems again. Nature is cool!


Active Member

Trying to figure out what to do with these. I'd really like to harvest them ASAP, but I'd like to get a little out of them too. The bigger 1 has now been vegging for a month and the little one a little over 2 weeks I guess. Should I throw them into Flowering now? How much can I expect to get out of PPP with only 3 - 4 weeks of vegging? They're growing like crazy right now. I've been keeping the lights higher to try to stretch them just a bit as the first 1 was so compact I don't think the lights were able to get to the under leaves. Take a look:

This has been the rainiest season I can ever remember. It just pours every single day. Outdoor are stretching like crazy. The stems are giant, but not a ton of leaves. Oh well, they smell nice anyways:

Only good thing about the rain. Shrooms thrive. Nope not that kind. Chanterelles! Delicious. I found these nearby the outdoor girls. Score!



Active Member

Well I just got home after going away for the weekend and the outdoor plants had grown about a foot. They also apparently starting flowering pretty quickly. I took some pictures. I'm actually thinking that both are male, but if you told me otherwise I'd love to hear it. Again I have no idea what I'm doing, just going off what i've seen from other posts. Take a look and let me know please:

I've moved the indoor into 12/12 and I haven't seen them all weekend. They're still sleeping. I'll take some pictures when they wake up. All for now.



Active Member
Ok, well I guess this is goodbye to the outdoor grow. They are clearly male and will need to be chopped. Although I don't have any other outdoors growing, so there is no real rush.

Here's the indoor as promised. The plant I started later is officially female! Yes these are feminized, but you never know. Still waiting on the 1st plant. Here's the pictures. As a transition, there feeding yesterday was 1 tablespoon of veg nutes mixed with 1 tablespoon of Fox Farm Big Bloom, which I'll strictly be feeding them from here on out. On to the pictures:

Little different setup. I added 2 40W Flourescent long bulbs on top as well as 1 more 2700K bulb for flowering.

This is plant #1. It's sucking up water like a mad dog right now, so I have to feed every couple days or I find it curled up in a ball like this weekend.

Plant #1 from an aerial view:

Plant #2 much more spread out then plant #1, but has already shown to be female, so it's now my favorite until it's sister shows:




Active Member
Plant #1 showed female today! Yes these are feminized seeds, but with my experience of growing so far certainty is pretty much out the door. What do people think of making some hash or butter for practice out of the male plants? I've got no smoke whatsoever right now. When is the THC content highest in males? Should I wait longer?

So I woke up this morning and probably for the 3rd time during my grow plant #1 had just folded up. Should have got pictures, but I was in a rush. It's definitely due to lack of water, because the pot/soil it's in won't hold water. It's bone dry in 2 days. What should I do. I guess I could replant and mix in some perlite or something, but I don't want to risk shocking the plant at this point. Although I'm obviously doing that every time the water runs out. After watering it opens up within a day and goes back to normal. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Mixing pearlite into the soil will not harm it as long as you don't mix in too much. Most of those attachment thumbnails didnt display anything for me. Which is pretty dissapointed because i wanted to see them. I don't know why it's doing that. Thing's are looking good for you my man. QUESTION? Where did you get those fixtures for your bulbs. I don't know if your reading my Grow journal but i have my lights just hanging from a surge protector with little plugin sockets and i am having a really hard time getting my lights in the position that i want them too... Our grows have alot of similarities so, I was hoping you could help me out with this one my friend.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know how much pearlite to mix in then just look at my journal it has closeup's on the soil and you can see the consistensy of the pearlite in my mix.