indoor+ outdoor ww flowering 20 day


Active Member
3x25w 2700k + 1x105w 6500k day 20 of flowering looks nice to me...9AM to 9PM put outside... in rainy days go back inside..feed with 5-6-5 + some chiken shit extract(in smal proportions) ...40cm tall....some advice? (first time indoor)



Well-Known Member
Idk about yield but she is looking good. Nioce job on the should get a good amount off her.


Active Member
Update flowering 4 weeks and 5 days still not change the fertilizer, the leaves are dark green but some pistils are turned amber in a few days???? the buds are not to dense, the trichs... a few changed in color to amber..????..what i`am doing wrong? how to make the buds more dense? help! thanks. maybe i should reduce the photo period to 11/13?



Well-Known Member
Dude your plant looks fantastic, I wouldn't worry at all, just give it the time it needs, which is about 4 1/2 more weeks. Looks frosty & juicy, the buds will fatten up over the next few weeks. If you want to pump up your yield a little bit more, use no sulphur molasses in your nutrient solution. + rep you will yield at least 2+ oz's


Active Member
here in week 5 add some Fosfitex 0-30-20...8ml/2L water what do you think about this ionic fosfit fertilizer?

