I had 3 good GOD BUD/AK47 plants with 4 or 5 tops each they put out about 2 oz dry and it was sooooo sweet I couldn't kill them. I have 2 rooms but having a bit of trouble filling them up to capacity as I get viable cuttings. So I thought I would use the extra space under the lights and re vegetate. When I harvested I left the bottom 1/3 trying to leave some small flowers and leaves. After 2 weeks they were full up with vegetative growth again and 3 times as many tops. They look like a bonsai bush(new growth sprouts from the small buds that are left).So back into the flower room they go and it has been 10 days and I am seeing white hairs or flower sites EVERYWHERE. I think it will be a success. I even re vegged a couple single cola plants they were a stick with a small bud at the top and in 10 days they have dozens of new leaves (funny note new leaves are smooth around the edges) any way anyone ever do this? or have any questions? let me know.