Indoor shed Grow (winter)


Well-Known Member
I should admit though if I were to find a bargain rotogrow used I'd for sure want to play with it and probably would get it just because. I wouldn't plan on keeping it, but I'd play with it.


I set up a 10'X13' metal shed in my barn, living in michigan, being able to control the proper heating and lighting system. My preliminary plans are to have two separate grow areas (vegetative & flowering) 4.5'x13' each. The remaining space will be used as a "drying" space. Should anyone have any suggestions on how I might ventalate, insolate and conserve heat would be great, Thanks

jackback :-D


Sweet place you got there dude...
I just started my first indoor grow in my shed(shitty shed that i tried to fix up)..I will have some snow also, and that insulation looks interesting-with snow...?whaaat...sweet....
Very nice equipment growing old school style-with fluros, and so.e cfls

Keep up the good work mate...

I just put up a 10'X13' metal shed in my barn i'm using a lot of great stuff spray insolation in small openings and plan on using regular home insolation for the walls & ceiling covered with 1/4 OSB, floor will be insolated 2" poly styrofoam covered with 5/8 plywood. I'm going to try the "passive ventilation" system and see how it works. Keeping it heated with the proper humidity will be my biggest challenge any suggestions would be nice,


Well-Known Member
I noticed you said you were planning on using EXCELLOFIZZ TABLETS have you ever used those b4 and if so how did they work out. I saw them online and they seem really convenient for a small space. Any info would help alot.

Thanx in advance and good luck on your grow.

josh b

Well-Known Member
nice so far m8 how much work u done so far lol?
and have u made a final dissision t othe seeds ur going to buy yet?



New Member
your room seems great...but bcseeds are scam might want another seedbank.

34% THC...*cough* bullshit *cough* They supposedly have about 30 bs strains with higher thc than every other plant in the world.

I am going to write a review for their new "Pickle Bud" that they want you to pay $3,000 for.

BC Seeds: Pickle Bud.

OMG we took a helicopter and flew over the Bermuda triangle twice...crash landed on a small island that had one coconut tree and a huge marijuana tree. Thankfully we remembered to bring our satelite phones...but we had to check out that marijuana tree first! Turns out that the tree was an entirely new strain of marijuana! We took some clones and have named them pickle bud. Enough of the back story...let's get into the "meat and potatoes"

THC: 110% That's right! OVER 100% THC! How you ask? was born and raised in the Bermuda Triangle where normal percentages/laws of physics/Oprah's fluctuating weight...DO NOT MATTER!
Flower time: 3 weeks! That's right! In only 21 days AT MOST Pickle bud will be finished and ready to smoke...what? What about drying time? Curing? All things of the past my friends. As soon as you cut down Pickle Bud...she starts an unheard of rapid drying time of 14 minutes. 18 minutes after that? She has finished curing herself. We are as amazed as you...believe me.

The high last a fortnight. (That's 14 days for us modern folk) It starts off as the greatest sativa high imaginable...and after 10 days or so melts into the greatest indica high imaginable.

$3,000 a seed. Limited quantities available. HURRY!!!!

I just felt this was worthy of a repost and please add it to my basket.LOL


Well-Known Member
I was going to try rotary growing a while back and did a lot of research into it... I came to the conclusion that since it severly limits which strains you can grow and requires such high fuck me in the ass for 10 years federal prison plant counts that it just isn't worth it, at least in most situations. If you have the money for those and aren't afraid of high plant count numbers and are familiar with verticalgrow then you know you can also hit high numbers with well done diy vertical setups. Think 2kw in a vert setup times however many you have space for and I bet you can fill the shed and garage and outfit them with everything you need and grow more smoke for less cost than rotary and it'll be easier to maintain and use and you'll have more flexibilty to choose whatever smoke you like not just what works well in a rotary machine.

The only difference is slightly less grams per watt, so just run more watts/more vert setups. It's still way fewer plants to hit the same weight.

Admit it, it's the cool factor...
Thanks for that great post man, you really have me thinking lol

I have been delayed on my plans, im sorry everyone for this. But this thread is not DEAD!
I really want to go Vert, but i do not like the high plant count.

So my options are Vert grow or SOG grow. People feel free to post your thoughts on this.
Now with these two methods, i can get around the same yeild with the same amount of light.

I've wanted to try the Vert, it is something new and exciting.
If i choose to stay with SOG i will have better results and lower plant count with the same yeilds.

This is going to be a tough choice, But with all the delays to my operation there is one plus side.
My Trainwreck mother has been growing great, she is on only water so her journy is slow. The good thing about me not starting my grow yet is how back and forth i am from the city's i live in.... Lots of shit going on right now and it was not the time to start before.

I will have pictures of my mother sometime here, they will come.
I'll proboly end up doing a 80plant Lowryder. In the Vert.
30 plag SOG (trainwreck clones, WW and proboly a KUSH)
But time will be the judge.

Thanks for your post's everyone and keep them comming!


Well-Known Member
i got me a nice shed sog grow about the same size as yours mine is not quite as high its about 7' tall at the pitch i love it its only my flower room do all my vegging in the house to keep a better eye on them. mine looked the same as yours as well all kinds of shit in there and no insulation lol but after a while it came along nicely best of luck hope you get it up and running soon.

