Indoor soil beds

I can max my colas out to six foot before I have problems lol. The idea is too go more wide and bushy than tall. Im growing all my non stretching strains just to be safe! Four plants a pot, so it works out to 25 gallons of soil for each plant. Hopefully shouldn't be too unmanageable lol. I've got pretty good canopy management, I'll definitely be testing my skills this round.

All the best. You will watering for a long time. 1 gallon watering can "ain't" gonna do it. :wink: I would love to see that.
I have priced it and it will be about 100$ per 3x6 box.

Yes I was turned to no till soil year ago and never looking back. I think it's dumb if you're not using no till soil.

Up front cost of no till is more then soil /hydro with ferts but in the long run no till soil can be used for years with low maintance. i have gone weeks without giving any nutes to my plants and they are just fine and healthy as can be.

I will Def keep posting as we build, we're just brain storming and getting materials now.

Hoping to have it built and running by January.
I have a 12 foot ceiling to work with.

3 feet for the box
Another 3 feet for the lights
Gives me room to grow 6-7 plants

Going to have 2 600w hps over each 3x6 box

Think that's plenty of light?
I have a 12 foot ceiling to work with.

3 feet for the box
Another 3 feet for the lights
Gives me room to grow 6-7 plants

Going to have 2 600w hps over each 3x6 box

Think that's plenty of light?
Yeah but I would up it to 1000 watts so you can get some nice fat buds on the bottoms of your plants too not just the tops.
@Rasta Roy

You can trust me when I say I have all the tools needed to build a house from the from up, I actually built the car ports we are using. only thing is they we're never designed to have drains becuz it just wasn't a thought.

Here is what we thought of, please tell me your guys thoughts and concerns.

Build the box 3x6 and 2 ft deep.
On the bottom put a slight slope like a v and a trench drain in the middle. put a layer of lava rock on the bottom maybe 2 inches.

If executed probably it would be a solid design. Maybe chicken wire over the drain opening to prevent the lava rock from falling out.
Well plans have changed and we can't go as big as we wanted due to city codes.

If we are to enclose the car port it makes it a "garage" and we would need more permits, but it's ok we are down sizing to a 4x8 veg room and 8x8 flower room.

I'm kinda bummed but at the same time I have new ideas for our new set up. it's going to be very stealthy and hidden.

Perhaps once we get this going and make some money we can pull permits to enclose the car ports.

Also our new flower room has a dirt floor! so soil bed will now be very easy to make. and no drainage needed!

Going to get started this weekend