Indoor started 15 days ago


Well-Known Member
Hey guerilla, looks like your off to a great start. I personally picked up some FFOF since everyone was talkin so good about it, so far I like it only 4 days from sprout now. I'm sub'd


Well-Known Member
Yessir, here's Mary ;) at 50 days total, 20 days into flower. Vegged for 30 days and has been in the same mg potting soil mix the whole time. Yeah man, I had no idea about what was kosher to pull off and trim lol but I just cut a few leaves in half to give the other tops light they weren't getting. I do have a little nute burn in the middle from overscooping one dose of the bloom nutes :dunce: and she grew so vigorously that I couldn't keep up and she high-fived the lights a few times lol at least not the buds.

hey thanks monk glad to have you along, ya i'm going to get some ffof in the future but for this one im just gunna stick with the mg. I checked out your pc case grow looks real promising GL to ya

Nice noob mary's lookin very nice, I've gotta get some more nutes I think, i've beeen using schultz plant food right now but its not impressing me too much but i also havent burned her yet either so i may wait for her to show signs of malnutrition first, and ya haha thats too bad about the highfive but im sure itll come back to greenery in time. happy growing dude.
plant5.pngplant6.pngsup sup bored on a sunday figured id upload some pics theres been some good growth but im starting to think it may go hermie cause i took a ball off the biggest side branch and this worries me im hoping to get a camera sometime this week so ill be able to show you fellas what im talking about but untill then here are some more low quality ones. Peace
ok so things got rather catastrophic after i posted that, when i went to put her back in the box i knocked it over and it went all over the place got it back in there now but i lost alot of root in the process so im kinda nervous it wont recover anyone that has had this kinda shit happen and has a great story of it being fine afterwards i would appreciate it. untill then im gunna have a toke and hope for the best..