Indoor vs Outdoor


Well-Known Member
All I know is this. Nature is great and all, but I can do better indoors, as far as potency and overall "dankness". But as far as yeild, outdoors all day. I don't know why this is even a debate. Indoor has its bonuses and outdoor has it's.

Im of the opinion that successfull indoor growers get the best results in that you can literally control every aspect. As opposed to an outdoor grow where your are subject to the environment, which is frequently harsh. Outdoor conditions as good as indoor conditions are damn near impossible to find. I take nature and one up the bitch. I take all her best parts, and remove all the harsh elements so I don't have to deal with them. No bud worms, no insects period, no inclimate weather. Just perfect growing conditions for the plants entire life cycle, which you will not find in nature.

The true cannabis connoisseur would rather smoke prime indoor bud.


Well-Known Member
old school people who think like you are the ones that get held back.. this is the new age, get with it or get left behind. i have a controlled environment, i can do everything but make it rain. your trying to tell me that hps bulbs aren't comparable with the sun after how many years they have had to perfect it ?. there is no way in hell that you can make a bud look\taste\smell as bomb outside. my temps dont fluctuate more than ten degrees, EVER. outside your bound to get shitty days, resulting in the plant not being stoked. my plants love everyday.

i am not getting held back i assure you that haha

electricity charged sodium stick in a tube vs a nuclear fusion ball floating in space with a dynamic of radiation and cycles that cannot be matched by a light bulb?

you talk about your temperatures not fluctuating as if it's a good thing, this plant has been growing MILLIONS Of years in the dynamic of the earth, and you seem to think indoor growing is better for the plant, when in reality, when a plant is properly adapted to a particular environment it will perform the best it possibly can.

but its cool you probably live in some indoor growing medical state like colorado that have a bunch of people aroudn you to assure eachother that the indoor is the chronz....haha you guys make me laugh as I get incomprehensibly stoned off of my outdoor chronic!

there are people who can make bud smell as chronic as indoors, I'm not generally one of them. my bud usually /looks/ as good as indoors.

I do know one thing though, my bud has always been stronger than all the indoor I've ever tried, and /that/ is what I truly care about at teh end of the day when I'm getting hella stoned. period.

lush, outside, yesterday


Well-Known Member
I figured I would comment here also. My old school neighbor. About 20 yrs older than me. He swears that his outdoor is the best. But when I smoke it it is... So so. I have come to find out that he prefers a weed that will choke you out. Not one that taste smells and looks good... which in turn feels good. Indoor is always smoother for me and more flavorful. Outdoor has a decent first hit.(stuff from Cali and Colo.) But after that is taste like shit and is harsh. The only way you can have decent outdoor. Is to grow it indoor. Outdoor is for the profit chasers. Indoor is for the people who expect the best.