
I've lost count how many nights have been spent around the campfire debating the pro's and con's of growing indoors.

I have a number of questions that may have been answered already somewhere, but I'll go ahead and ask them anyway and hope that you wont all get pissed at me for doing

1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ?

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ?

3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ?

4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?

5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ?




Active Member
bump.. i want to know this...

my friend grew the same strain 1 was outdoors and 1 was indoors .. one bag of weed was brown and one was green i forgot which was which tho


bump.. i want to know this...

my friend grew the same strain 1 was outdoors and 1 was indoors .. one bag of weed was brown and one was green i forgot which was which tho
LOL. Both must've smoked up okay then...he he he


Active Member
1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ? I will say False Here, The benifit of Indoor is control...Strain is everything indoor or outdoor. I like Indoor for Temp control/lighting and importantly bugs control...Don't get me wrong there are many grower's that do Outdoor grow's that are awsome.

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ? Haha, How badass do you want it? $$$$ Ching Cha Ching.. Not always,But if where working with 1000W + HPS setup's...there will be some expence all said and done. My 400 HPS and all other supplies, has some cake in it.

3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ? I;m only seeing $20-35 more a month with the single 400W, But what I think with the door open then closed ect.. in and out several times a day is likely why it's higher.( making the AC run longer)

4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?How is the grow setup? veg 30-35 day? 12/12 from seed? there are many ways my friend.

5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ? Never have done Hydro.... There growth is always rapid.. Fair to say one is not better then the other done correctly or one's style of doing... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
everything in cultivation comes down to personal knowledge, experiance and wisdom with marijuana, this is MY experiance..

1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ? light quality is dectated by many factorsincluding quality and lumen output of indoor lights and tree cover and hours of shade in outdoor growing. in the right area with good weather you CAN have the same quality of light outdoors, but you are not guarenteed this quality of light. with skill and experience indoors you can give perfect light quality.

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ? true. there is no way around it. if you want to grow as cheap as possible but properly your going to spend an average of $200/plant (lights, ferts, space, air, water.. gets expensive over 3-4 months...) and this isn't including the electricity and costs over time.

3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ? i live in BC, canada (some of the worlds cheapest electricity...) it costs me $30/month to run my 1000 watt set-up.....

4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ? i am 100% self sufficent and it takes me around 4 months clone-harvest.... but i have a "sea of green" which i harvest one plant every week, this keeps me WELL suplied with smoke.

5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ? this depends on the the 3 S's of marijuana growing... Strain/Skill/Seasonality.... Strain: is it a high THC prodicing strain? or is it a "waight gain" strain? Skill: does the grower have the skill needed to produce maximum THC comtent on this strain? and Seasonality: what are the conditions like? a GOOD year outdoors can EASILY match conditions in ANY growroom and suply the plant with better nutrients, better sunlight and a longer growth season, but a BAD outdoor year and you dont get a harvest.........

in conclusion i would llike to say that with the many varying factors in marijuana growing that a GOOD season outdoor, with proper strains and proper care CAN turn out as good as a good indoor crop, with less money spent, less time spent and more gained. but those years only come around once in a decade. :bigjoint:


1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ? I will say False Here, The benifit of Indoor is control...Strain is everything indoor or outdoor. I like Indoor for Temp control/lighting and importantly bugs control...Don't get me wrong there are many grower's that do Outdoor grow's that are awsome.

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ? Haha, How badass do you want it? $$$$ Ching Cha Ching.. Not always,But if where working with 1000W + HPS setup's...there will be some expence all said and done. My 400 HPS and all other supplies, has some cake in it.

3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ? I;m only seeing $20-35 more a month with the single 400W, But what I think with the door open then closed ect.. in and out several times a day is likely why it's higher.( making the AC run longer)

4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?How is the grow setup? veg 30-35 day? 12/12 from seed? there are many ways my friend.

5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ? Never have done Hydro.... There growth is always rapid.. Fair to say one is not better then the other done correctly or one's style of doing... :leaf:
Thank you for being straight up mate. I appreciate the advice.


Skill: does the grower have the skill needed to produce maximum THC comtent on this strain? and Seasonality:

I'm thinking that I probably dont have this skill... but I'm a sponge, ready to soak up every little bit of help, advice and tips I can get.
Teach me....please...


Well-Known Member
I've lost count how many nights have been spent around the campfire debating the pro's and con's of growing indoors.

I have a number of questions that may have been answered already somewhere, but I'll go ahead and ask them anyway and hope that you wont all get pissed at me for doing

1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ?

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ?

3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ?

4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?

5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ?


1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ?
False, its all about taking good care of them, no matter if its inside or out.

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ?
yes and no, for about 500 you could put together a decent 400w hid setup
3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ?
not too much, halogen bulbs come in 100w and 150w sizes(among other sizes, but these ones are the most relevent imo) so its like having 3-4 halogen bulbs running, if youve got any halogens your using u should go buy a pack of cfls and replace all your halogens your using for lighting the house, i did and it was enough to completely offset my setup which is using about 900w altogether. how much your setup you choose uses can be found by multiplying the wattage by the rate you pay for electricity.
4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?
really depends, if your rushing and from clone you could probally get away with 9-10 weeks total as long as you only veg the clones for a week or so.
5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ?
its all about taking care of them, what medium or enviroment youve got them in shouldnt effect that unless your doing something wrong.


1. Crops grown under lights are of a higher quality that those grown outdoors? True or False ?
False, its all about taking good care of them, no matter if its inside or out.

2. The initial set up costs to produce your first indoor crop are expensive. True or False ?
yes and no, for about 500 you could put together a decent 400w hid setup
3. How much does it cost to run those big grow lights ?
not too much, halogen bulbs come in 100w and 150w sizes(among other sizes, but these ones are the most relevent imo) so its like having 3-4 halogen bulbs running, if youve got any halogens your using u should go buy a pack of cfls and replace all your halogens your using for lighting the house, i did and it was enough to completely offset my setup which is using about 900w altogether. how much your setup you choose uses can be found by multiplying the wattage by the rate you pay for electricity.
4. How long does it take to produce a crop under lights, from cuttings to harvest ?
really depends, if your rushing and from clone you could probally get away with 9-10 weeks total as long as you only veg the clones for a week or so.
5. Is the THC content higher in plants grown hydroponically than that grown in the bush ?
its all about taking care of them, what medium or enviroment youve got them in shouldnt effect that unless your doing something wrong.
I really like this site. You always get the NO BULLSHIT facts, and I like that. Thanks ...