indoors to outdoors help please!!!!

i am new to indoor and outdoor growing and i want to start 2 plants in the house for 2 weeks before i transplant outdoors. whats the light schedule for plants before transplanting them outdoors please help and thanx to all that help plus rep points :joint:


Active Member
18 hours on and 6 hours off is a good veg (grow) cycle for seeds. For clones I give 24 hours of light but thats just me. Goodluck with your grow :blsmoke:


Active Member
If you're starting them from seed you can get away with just a flourescent light for the first couple of weeks (18/6). In fact, three 400w HPS lights on 2 seedlings might be a bit much for them (kinda like feeding a baby t-bone steak with a beer chaser; you might actually kill the kid/plant). 400w HPS lights come into play a bit further into veg (like say, just past 3-4 weeks).


Active Member
You'll soon find out. I always keep the seedlings under a pretty small flourescent. Maybe just keep that 400-watter a good bit away from them.


Active Member
I think a 400w HPS would be OK for veg but you would have to keep a larger distance between the light and the plants, and also a good ventilation fan to keep temperatures down because it will be very easy to harm the plants as they are vulnerable at this stage
ok thanks to both 10+rep cause it wont let me give no more rep points so ill give them this wat thanks soooooooooooooooooo much!!! like i said i am new and scared ill fuck things up !!! thank greengods for this site and all it helpful members
First of all after living in the the the great NW and have lived in Az, I would not at this time being winter, transplant any plant out side and would not ever move them outdoors. This time of year or at any other time of the year for many reasons I could discuss with you for hours. However in this case there is not enough hours of sunlight to have any good success. Just not enough hours of sunlight to make a plant happy and you may never see the results you want or expect. The variables are many, mainly you will have a much happier and better result having an indoor plant that can recieve 18 hours of light durning the maturing process and then when ready back down light time to 12. As we have learned here in the NW a controlled enviroment is always the best with the least disapointments. Practice does make perfect and fruitful.