induction grow lighting

I had not heard of induction grow lights before I saw them in a local hydro shop over some tomatoe plants. They had a single 100 watter in a tent and that plant was doing very well.

I have since bought two of them for my 30 x 30 tent and with one on I'm getting thru veg and with two on I'm getting thru bud. The thing I've noticed is that the bottom leaves are getting more light then the CFL's orT5 ever did. Energy savings and better yields then I've seen even with the 400 w HPS that had created way too much heat when it was running.

I'm thinking of going up to the 400's in my room grow though. Has anyone tried these? theres a you tube video for indagro if you haven't heard of them. Any comments are appreciated.
I had not heard of induction grow lights before I saw them in a local hydro shop over some tomatoe plants. They had a single 100 watter in a tent and that plant was doing very well.

I have since bought two of them for my 30 x 30 tent and with one on I'm getting thru veg and with two on I'm getting thru bud. The thing I've noticed is that the bottom leaves are getting more light then the CFL's orT5 ever did. Energy savings and better yields then I've seen even with the 400 w HPS that had created way too much heat when it was running.

I'm thinking of going up to the 400's in my room grow though. Has anyone tried these? theres a you tube video for indagro if you haven't heard of them. Any comments are appreciated.
Hey, I have tried out the 300 Watt electroless induction lamp ( also called bi spectrum super grow light) and I must say it works fantastic. Although im only at the beginning of my growOP, the test results I have seen from friends , who also purchased the lamp, are amazing. Way higher yield, and as you mentioned much more energy savings. The Heat is the major problem with those HPS lights, dont know why they dont come up with some Heatless HPS or summin like that!


Active Member
i installed 2-400W inda-gro lamps in my tent about a month ago for both veg and bloom if you were still interested come on by and check it out. peace