Anyone running these lights yet.
I know you're all stuck on cobs but what about the xp-l used in the Indus.
This is a step up from the xml2 used in the Onyx but both appear 10 watt single emitters .
Like 3 or so guy's on growkind with them. Dxe, whom I'm pretty sure contacted you back when you were one of the few with the onyx. He's got a room of all Indus and so does ducrider running the 50" bars.
Yeah it's members only area. Dxe's is half onyx and Indus. Can't recall what size. Ducs is all 50" Indus, ~900W worth too. I want to say there is one or two more with them. Or maybe about to get them. Can't recall.
Thanks for the info. The xml2 performance seems to get the job done anyway.
Was wondering how the indus 40 is only 49 dollars more than an onyx but has 12 more diodes .